Sorry to vent but its necessary.
Here's the background. My eldest started school recently and has been getting picked on by this particular kid (he also picked on her last year in nursery).
Long story short, I don't like the kid. At all.
I know he's a child, and that my judgement is coloured by the fact that he is picking on my girl, but in addition to that, he is a sneaky sly child also. He is the sort of kid that causes trouble/fights for others and then gets out of the way so that they take the fall. He is also a bully and regularly gets told off by the teachers for hitting other children. My girl isn't the only one he "goes for".
Anyhoo, to cut to the chase so to speak. I've been fiddling about with VLCD (first LL and now CD) for the last 9 months. On the wagon, off the wagon, half on half off, where is the bloomin' wagon!
Some of you may know what I mean. If you don't, then the only thing I can say is "STAY ON THE BL00DY WAGON" as its a nightmare to get back on it if you come off.
Anyway, I digress. Today I've received the KICK in the pants that I've needed. My eldest turned to me this afternoon and said "mummy, C** said that you need to go on a diet because you're fat".
Talk about a conversation stopper. We were in Vic Reeves joke territory, complete with tumbleweed.
There has never been a truer cliche than out of the mouths of babes.
My first reaction was to think "well, his mum's not exactly twiggy either!"
Childish I know but there it is. Then I felt like strangling the little sod (the boy, not my daughter). Then my rational head took over and I thought, well I can't be angry with the kid for speaking the truth for once can I?
I sort of went through mortification (my parents and uncle were there at the time), anger, petulance and guilt within seconds. Mortification because of the audience. Anger because it annoyed me, petulance because I wanted to "get my own back" and guilt because my messing about with the diet has affected my child.
Now I've got my nasty angry head
on and I'm determined to finish this and get to a healthy weight. I don't want my girls to have a hang up about their body from my bad example.
I don't want them to get picked on because of me. I want to be able to think to myself in a few months time "well, I lost the weight but you'll probably always be a nark" (even though I know that is totally childish but it would be satisfying to my petty inner child!).
So today I've had 2.5ltrs so far and 2 packs. I'm feeling fairly ratty, which HAS NOT been helped by the above incident and have been a bit fluey but as I said, my nasty bl00dy minded head is in control so I'm just thinking "bring it on".
Every minute of feeling rough is getting me closer to goal. Every hour I manage to stick with this is another hour nearer to being a healthy weight and shape. Every day I stay on track is a day closer to proving to myself and everyone else (horrible children included) that I CAN do this.
Anyway, sorry for venting my spleen and boring you all, but I needed to get it of my (blooming huge but soon to be shrinking) chest.
Thanks for "listening".
Here's the background. My eldest started school recently and has been getting picked on by this particular kid (he also picked on her last year in nursery).
Long story short, I don't like the kid. At all.
Anyhoo, to cut to the chase so to speak. I've been fiddling about with VLCD (first LL and now CD) for the last 9 months. On the wagon, off the wagon, half on half off, where is the bloomin' wagon!
Anyway, I digress. Today I've received the KICK in the pants that I've needed. My eldest turned to me this afternoon and said "mummy, C** said that you need to go on a diet because you're fat".
There has never been a truer cliche than out of the mouths of babes.
My first reaction was to think "well, his mum's not exactly twiggy either!"
Now I've got my nasty angry head
So today I've had 2.5ltrs so far and 2 packs. I'm feeling fairly ratty, which HAS NOT been helped by the above incident and have been a bit fluey but as I said, my nasty bl00dy minded head is in control so I'm just thinking "bring it on".
Anyway, sorry for venting my spleen and boring you all, but I needed to get it of my (blooming huge but soon to be shrinking) chest.
Thanks for "listening".