Needing some extra support!


Full Member
Hey, I was previously a member here and haven't been on for a over a year or so. a few months back i started LL and it seems to be going well.

however none of my friends really get me being on a diet which makes it really tough. I have a few friends that are big and a few friends that are slim. I was really surprised by how was most supportive. anyway it made me think that I also could do with some extra support so here I am!

I am Rachael and its nice to meet you :)
... none of my friends really get me being on a diet which makes it really tough. ...

I am Rachael and its nice to meet you :)

Hey Rachael, welcome to MiniMins!

I get the bit where you say how people don't get how somebody is on a diet! Been through that myself... People don't necessarily mean to be mean or unsupportive, but their perspectives can be galactically different from ours.... :banghead:

Stay strong in your resolve for what you want, and carry on one step after another. :character00116:
Hi :)
Hi Rachel...I always find the biggest of my friends are the least's always the skinny Minnie's that get me. I reckon that's because they know what it's like to be healthy and trim and want the same for you!

Anyway, good luck x