Nellylou -2 stone to go! I can do it with SW

*sarah-lou* said:
Food looks yummy! want to come live with me and cook for me?


Yeh ok! The change of scene might do me good! Lol :p x
Got a nice long weekend now :) will be sticking to plan all weekend.
Plan for today:

Swim - at least 50 lengths
Meet friend for lunch - she is on mat leave and has a tiny little boy, may be brave and give him a cuddle
Look around clothes shops - am now pretty much a size 14 (even my size 16 jeans to big with a belt) :p
Book holiday - plan on going beginning of November, really pleased to be booking it finally
Tesco - big weekly shop to keep me on track all week

Food plan:

(B) total 0% with strawberry (2) and strawberrys
(S) after swim Special K (heb)
(L) salad of some sort with wine (no more than 2 glasses)
(D) want butternut squash with something maybe steak
Nellylou said:
Got a nice long weekend now :) will be sticking to plan all weekend.
Plan for today:

Swim - at least 50 lengths
Meet friend for lunch - she is on mat leave and has a tiny little boy, may be brave and give him a cuddle
Look around clothes shops - am now pretty much a size 14 (even my size 16 jeans to big with a belt) :p
Book holiday - plan on going beginning of November, really pleased to be booking it finally
Tesco - big weekly shop to keep me on track all week

Food plan:

(B) total 0% with strawberry (2) and strawberrys
(S) after swim Special K (heb)
(L) salad of some sort with wine (no more than 2 glasses)
(D) want butternut squash with something maybe steak

Sounds like a lovely day - the friends with babies thing is so hard though isn't it. As much as you are happy for them... Go easy on yourself whatever you do xxx
missy1978 said:
Sounds like a lovely day - the friends with babies thing is so hard though isn't it. As much as you are happy for them... Go easy on yourself whatever you do xxx

Thanks missy had a nice day (went off plan though) re the baby thing I build myself up in to a right old state and them it never ends up being as bad as I imagine, my poor friend looks exhausted too as little baby not a sleeper xx
Yesterday's food

(B) total 0% with strawberry and strawberrys (2)
(S) Special K bar (5)
(L) goats cheese and warm veg salad with chicken and dough sticks
3 glasses of wine
Packet of yoghurt coated bananas
(D) oven chips and a hot dog
2 dairy milk bars

Will call it a complete write off and be good today!!
To be honest it could have been a lot worse as in lots more wine, a dessert a pizza rather than salad at lunch and more chocolate in the evening, I can keep eating chocolate and not feel sick.... :/
Nellylou said:
Thanks missy had a nice day (went off plan though) re the baby thing I build myself up in to a right old state and them it never ends up being as bad as I imagine, my poor friend looks exhausted too as little baby not a sleeper xx

Glad the baby thing wasnt as hars aa you thought, i'm the same i always work myself into a state too. Xxxcc
*sarah-lou* said:
Glad the baby thing wasnt as hars aa you thought, i'm the same i always work myself into a state too. Xxxcc

I think my main problem is I've started to think it's never going to happen so when I see others with babies just feel so jealous - I need to be more positive and believe it will happen.

How are you? Need to come and check out your diary. Your weight watchers aren't you? Xx

Think I'm going to have a red day although could go green or do a EE without super free breakfast, will see.
Boyf just gone out to play golf then watching footie with a mate do have a nice day planned, walk and a coffee/tea session with a friend then go and see my nan later on. Hard points today will be at my nans, both my nan and my dad think I need building up and I'm fine how I am now and don't need to loose more weight (gah!) I'm still well in the overweight cat but there's no telling them and they like to offer me cake! Also Boyf will be drinking and will want a takeaway, I need to create something to stop him craving one!

(B) scrambled egg on toast (heb) Tom sauce (1), cheese slice (hea)
Muller light greek style (0.5)
***ended up going green!?*****
(L) deli noodles chicken flavour (2)
(D) chips, wholemeal roll (heb2) Quorn burgers, cheese (hea2) beans, mayo (1) Tom sauce (1)
(S) Special K (5)

Update: had 2 dairy milk bars at 10 syns each!! Need to stop now, even though its high I can just have a few less syns for the rest of the day, just need to go to bed early!!

Syns 30.5
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Nellylou said:
I think my main problem is I've started to think it's never going to happen so when I see others with babies just feel so jealous - I need to be more positive and believe it will happen.

How are you? Need to come and check out your diary. Your weight watchers aren't you? Xx

Yeah im on ww, ive been eating **** this last week! I havent been good shopping yet. Im missing my salad, fruit veg and yummy fresh food! Xxx
Extra easy:

(B) activia snack pot (1) pineapple
(S) shortbread biscuits (15) :(
(L) red pepper soup, ryvitas (heb) cheese spread (hea) melon
(D) pork, sweet pot, butternut squash, broccoli and cauliflower, gravy (1) 1 roast pot

May make a low syn roulade which is 0.5 syns per slice and have a slice later

Syns 17.5

Then had 2 Special K bars (9) blueberry biscuits (5) and a muller Greek style (0.5) what is wrong with me!? I just can't stop being bad :(
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Nellylou said:
Extra easy:

(B) activia snack pot (1) pineapple
(S) shortbread biscuits (15) :(
(L) red pepper soup, ryvitas (heb) cheese spread (hea) melon
(D) pork, sweet pot, butternut squash, broccoli and cauliflower, gravy (1)

May make a low syn roulade which is 0.5 syns per slice and have a slice later

Syns 17.5

We've been thwarted by biscuits and cake today! I couldn't resist lemon drizzle cake :(
I have to get back on track today as its getting silly now. We have booked our holiday (going to Canary Islands) on 8th November so 5 weeks to lose 10lbs, if I'm really good and focused I know I can do it. I just need to find my focus again and it's hiding!!!

Red, I think

(B) melon slices, cheese slice (hea) muller greek style (0.5)
(L) ham, mushroom and onion frittata with cheese (hea2) ryvitas (heb) cheese spread (5)
(D) chicken salad
(S) roulade (0.5) fibre plus (heb2)

Syns 6

I'm aiming for no more syns today as I've had so many the last few days

Update: went to my mums for dinner and had avavado (5) in the salad plus some mayonnaise (2.5)

So total syns 13.5 :/ oh well will aim for less tomorrow
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rosierose15 said:
I'd love to lose ten pound by the end of November I had an awful weekend. So what's the plan? How are we Gunna do this? X

It's all about red days! (4 out of 7 at least) Walk everywhere and swim 50 lengths 3 times a week, that should do it :) x
Ok can u give me some ideas for red days u usually do I'm bored of the same old thing now. And what do u have as your healthy extras on red day. I'm worried about too much bread!! X
I have to get back on track today as its getting silly now. We have booked our holiday (going to Canary Islands) on 8th November so 5 weeks to lose 10lbs, if I'm really good and focused I know I can do it. I just need to find my focus again and it's hiding!!!

Red, I think

(B) melon slices, cheese slice (hea) muller greek style (0.5)
(L) ham, mushroom and onion frittata with cheese (hea2)
(D) chicken salad
(S) roulade (0.5) fibre plus (heb)

I'm aiming for no more syns today as I've had so many the last few days

Come on chicken! you haven't come this far to let some stupid junky crappy food get the better of you!

You are so close!! just hold on to it and keep going! Food for today looks fab!

rosierose15 said:
Ok can u give me some ideas for red days u usually do I'm bored of the same old thing now. And what do u have as your healthy extras on red day. I'm worried about too much bread!! X

I tend to only eat bread once or twice a week, I usually have cereal for breakfast and use my other on ryvita or cereal bar (chocolate fix) sometimes ill have Pitta bread (asda or co-op) and really occasionally make sw wedges as healthy extra.
For main meals I use butternut squash or swede as an alternative to potato or pasta and have quite a lot of omelettes (you have quite a lot of them anyway) big mushrooms stuffed with Quorn mince, passata and cheese on top. Shepherds pie (topped with swede not potato) casseroles from slow cooker (now its getting colder)
I don't like to feel like I'm missing out so like to always have a low carb option on my plate where I feel the pot/pasta should be. I make sure I have at least 2 green days a week so I don't crave carbs too much. Hope some of these ideas help x
*sarah-lou* said:
Come on chicken! you haven't come this far to let some stupid junky crappy food get the better of you!

You are so close!! just hold on to it and keep going! Food for today looks fab!


Thanks hun, I know just need to sort myself out - feeling more in control today and enjoying it :) how you doing? Saw on your diary you've not had the best couple of days :( (haven't had chance for a proper read yet, but its my next stop!) x
yeah I've been poorly :( but I lost 6lbs today! so everything is heading in the right direction! :)