Nellylou -2 stone to go! I can do it with SW

Red day:

(B) Peanut hi fi (heb) total 0% with strawberry (2) teas throughout the day (hea)
(L) Layered salad: turkey chunks, ham, cottage cheese with pineapple, salad box (lettuce, peppers, sweetcorn) special k bar (4.5)
(D) Going to my mums think she is doing salmon and veg

Syns so far 6.5

Update: had salmon salad for dinner with big dollop of mayo (3.5) then came home and had another 0% total yog with raspberry (2)

12 syns today

Hmmmm I'm an a and a b down but just not hungry and too late to eat now, maybe have a milky hot choc for 2 syns plus hea
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2 days till weigh in and scales arent moving (arghhhh!) need a pound at least so I can say ive lost 5 stone.

Red day:

(B) Peanut hi fi (heb) muller strawberry light, strawberrys
(L) Ryvita seaseme (heb2) light philly (hea) sardines, apple
maybe a total 0% yog (2) (did have it)
(D) Ham, red onion and mushroom omlette with cheese (hea2) beetroot salad
(S) Special k (4.5) hot choc (2)

total syns 8.5
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Hectic day at work today, need to write down food before I forget!


(B) Shreddies and banana (heb and hea)
(L) Ryvita (heb2) +3 philly light (hea2) sardines in tom sauce
Strawberrys, mouthful of birthday cake (2.5)
(D) Quorn sticky fillets and roasted butternut squash and sweet potato (3)
(S) pineapple lolly

8.5 syns - haven't eaten that much today, just been really busy at work then rushed home made dinner and rushed out to my sisters, then went for a walk then to asda so haven't really had time to crave my usual snacks
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Cant make weigh in again as im in office on my own until 1 and weigh in is at 12, mostly annoyed as ive run out of hi fi bars , will have to weigh tmrw at home and update then.
Lots of exercise today - lunch time walk (about 50 mins) and a 40 min swim after dinner.

Extra easy

(B) Shreddies and milk (heb and hea) banana
(L) Quorn sticky fillets and butternut sq and sweet pot
total 0% yog with strawberry (2) Strawberrys
(D) philly pasta (5) salmon and prawns, s
mushrooms and onions
(S) bluberry moments (5) hilights (2)

14 syns
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Lost 2lbs this week :D very pleased. Have now lost 5 stone and 1 pound.
Im going out tonight for drinks and will probably go completely over the top on syns, will try my hardest to be good. If I can stick to a green day eat within my 15 syns and drink spirits and diet mixers I should be ok.

Green day:

(B) Had docs appointment and didnt have time so ate my sushi (3) at 11.30, milk for tea (hea)
(L) Tika mugshot, kit kat cookies and cream (5) strawberrys
(S) Muller coconut
(D) beans and cheese (hea2) on toast (heb1)
**** drinkies******
(after drinks snacks) have 7 syns and a healthy extra b left, hmmmm toast with 7 syns of Something and a mugshot... will probably end up with a kebab
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Well, went out Friday pm and drunk way too much - felt dreadful yesterday and don't feel 100% today, going to try a green day.

(B) total 0% with blueberry (2)
(D) tesco meat free chicken style (7) chips, beans
Been off plan since Friday, feel awful. Went yo work yesterday still feeling crap (worlds longest hangover?) anyway girl I work with announces she's pregnant cue breakdown from me. Ended up crying with the company director for about half an hour and getting sent home for the day and today and told to rest! If I wasn't so down I'd be mortified!
I feel really low at the moment, eating like I have been over the last few days hasn't helped, I feel sick and I've got heartburn! Need to sort myself out, just feel so blahhhhh
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Trying to sort myself out with a 100% day today. Been for a swim and went to tesco with my sister and feeling slightly more normal.

Green day:

(B) fried eggs on toast (heb) Tom sauce (1)
(L) uncle bens risotto chicken and mushroom (4.5)
(S) pineapple and muller greek style yog (0.5)
(D) 2 Linda McCartney Italian sausages (1) sw chips and roasted veg, mayo (1) Tom sauce (1)
(S) fibre plus dark (heb2) hot choc (2)
(Hea 1 and 2 used in food and drinks)

Syns 11
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Nellylou said:
Been off plan since Friday, feel awful. Went yo work yesterday still feeling crap (worlds longest hangover?) anyway girl I work with announces she's pregnant cue breakdown from me. Ended up crying with the company director for about half an hour and getting sent home for the day and today and told to rest! If I wasn't so down I'd be mortified!
I feel really low at the moment, eating like I have been over the last few days hasn't helped, I feel sick and I've got heartburn! Need to sort myself out, just feel so blahhhhh

Oh sweets, it's a rubbish state of affairs :( I probably would have reacted in the same way so don't feel like you've done something wrong or that you're on your own x *hugs*

I had my blood test results today from the day 21 test and they weren't promising so got to redo them next month. Feeling a bit sorry for meself as well and desperately trying to avoid the chocolate! x
rosierose15 said:
Come on girl. Keep your chin up eating doesn't make our Problems go away. It just make us feel more crappy. Keep positive you can do it :)

On it! 100% day today and feeling much better for it. Thanks for the pep talk Rosie ;)
missy1978 said:
Oh sweets, it's a rubbish state of affairs :( I probably would have reacted in the same way so don't feel like you've done something wrong or that you're on your own x *hugs*

I had my blood test results today from the day 21 test and they weren't promising so got to redo them next month. Feeling a bit sorry for meself as well and desperately trying to avoid the chocolate! x

Grrrr I know, really hit me where it hurts to be honest and had a proper over reaction but there you go ;/ I tend to keep it bottled up a lot of the time but couldn't on Monday and the whole sorry for myself story came out. Quite embarrassed about facing the office tmrw (cringe)

Awww missy, I commented on your diary but I hope you feel ok - I know it's frustrating, they have just redone my day 21 as it came back with what they think shows polisystic overies (I haven't got them as they fully investigated last time but I still have to have the scan) so annoying but trying to not get stressed about it. X
Having another green day today, really craving warm comforting stuff

(B) shreddies and milk (heb and hea)
(L) innocent veg pot (2.5) total 0% with strawberry (2) kit kat cookies and cream (5)
May have to have some ryvitas as feeling hungry already after lunch (ended up having 2 Linda m sausages cold so -1 syn)
(D) Quorn piece bolognaise type thingy: onion, mushroom, sweetcorn, chopped toms, quorn pieces, pasta with cheese (hea2)
(S) hot choc (2) fibre plus (heb2)

syns 12.5
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Hello sweetie found your diary and will be subscribing xxxx
Another green day today, feeling really hungry and think im better off on reds (just feel more satisfied)

Green day

(B) Strawberrys and muller light coconut, milk for drinks (hea)
(L) Quorn piece bolognaise
(S) Kit kat cookies and cream (5) need to get rid of these, gave 3 away yesterday...
(D) SW chips, quorn burgers, beans, cheese (hea2), bread (heb) mayo (1) Tom sauce (1)
(S) Fibre plus (heb2) hot choc (2)

syns 7
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Another green day today, feeling really hungry and think im better off on reds (just feel more satisfied)

Green day

(B) Strawberrys and muller light coconut, milk for drinks (hea)
(L) Quorn piece bolognaise
(S) Kit kat cookies and cream (5) need to get rid of these, gave 3 away yesterday...
(D) SW chips, quorn burgers, beans, cheese (hea2), bread (heb) mayo (1) Tom sauce (1)
(S) Fibre plus (heb2) hot choc (2)

syns 7

Food looks yummy! want to come live with me and cook for me?
