Nervous :/


Full Member
I haven't weighed in since the doctors. That was urm... 3 weeks ago? And I only need to loose 2lb to get to 17stone something. But I cant remember the last time I was 17 anything and I have (tmi warning) had periods type pains and food has been more, even though I try eat less which usually means period. But I haven't had my period, and I'm confused because I cant remember when my last one was. I have the implanon in my arm so there is no chance I'm pregnant. But my periods are always really messed up, but usually with too many, not too few! I'm wondering if infact this has been ovulation setting me off my norm, but usually I don't even tell when I ovulate and I'm confused.

So my past week has been all squewiff and even though I have been exercising more, I feel bloated and I'm meant to weigh in tomorrow and I'm so worried I will still be 18 stone :(