New Cambridge 2023/2024 Losing to Maintaining Journey Together

Hahaha I’m a caffeine girl too 🤣 love my coffee. Thanks both. I weighed again today and I’m another lb down so hopefully I’ll have a good drop this week. I’ll trust the process. Have to for the price of it 🤣 24lbs down now and 45lbs to go. Oct /Nov I should have the weight off and then I need to work up the steps to maintain. Determined to have a glamorous Christmas this year and actually be in the photos this time.

You’re all doing so well. Xx
24lbs is fantastic! Maintaining is the bit that I stupidly didn’t do previously, do you know how long your maintenance phase is, or is it changeable?
One thing I didn’t have before doing it was a coffee addiction! I absolutely love the ready made Latte shakes with a double espresso thrown in!! I don’t think I’d have stuck to it as well if I didn’t have that.

@Atalanta - 8 bags of sugar sure sounds like a lot now you put it like that!!

Hope everyone is feeling motivated for the new week!

I’m really hoping to stick to this 100% until end of September where I then have lots of things coming up. I’m trying not to worry too much about that now, just trying to get as much weight off as I can!
@boppy123 you sound really motivated. I used to love the latte shakes but not having shakes this time round at all with all the meal options. I felt restricted on shakes but I know friends who love them.
I'll go and find that challenge later, thanks.
One thing I didn’t have before doing it was a coffee addiction! I absolutely love the ready made Latte shakes with a double espresso thrown in!! I don’t think I’d have stuck to it as well if I didn’t have that.

@Atalanta - 8 bags of sugar sure sounds like a lot now you put it like that!!

Hope everyone is feeling motivated for the new week!

I’m really hoping to stick to this 100% until end of September where I then have lots of things coming up. I’m trying not to worry too much about that now, just trying to get as much weight off as I can!
@boppy123 join us in the challenge section. It’s the X days till Christmas thread. Nicely active and I think it’ll be really helpful for everyone. It’s setting your own goals etc xx
Ooh. Just had a sneaky mid week weigh. Not really sneaky. So far 2lbs down this week. I have till Saturday for the weekly. 25lbs gone now. Come on 28lbs / 2 stone …… I can see you lol
Another day done 💯 on Cambridge. Can’t wait to get my 2 week supply on Saturday. The crisps are so good.
We have a big bbq at ours on Sunday. The food will be so good. I’ll have my packs ready and I’ll add my fruit flavours to sparkling water while everyone is drinking.
Can’t really believe I’ve been able to lose this weight over the summer. My head couldn’t stick with anything diet wise recently. I was used to keto and even tried slimming world. So pleased I decided to do Cambridge.
It seems to suit you, keep going.
@tipperary it is suiting me for sure. I did love keto … almost a way of life for me for a long time. The freedom of slimming world was amazing and it’s brilliant but not great for me portion control wise as I’d keep eating. Hope you’re all good xx
So for anyone browsing who is doing Cambridge Diet or thinking about it this is what I’m noticing so far after 9 weeks back on this and 26 lbs down.

•I think the new (to me) pop squares (crisps) slow down my weekly losses. I have bigger losses without them. However I’d rather have them than have anything off the plan.
•I make ice-pops every morning with the fruit flavourings so I have them to snack on at night and increase my water intake a little.
•I found, especially early on, that when the family were eating takeaway or special occasion home cooked meals, I would have the veg flavour hot water (soup) to stop me falling off track. Or I’d go for a shower or paint my nails. Distract myself. It was quite satisfying not to have that totally stuffed feeling after a takeaway. Had to be to reminding myself this is short term and at some point I will be able to eat my favourite foods again once I’ve retrained my brain with portion control and balance etc.
•Years ago small weekly losses would have derailed me but this time I’m sticking with it and trusting the process. As long as I am on 800/900 calories daily (1b - 4 meals) the weight is going to come off and my body is just adjusting. I’ve been overeating for years and this extra weight will come off so I’m being patient with myself. For example I had 2 weeks of only losing 1lb both weeks but then the following week I lost 3lbs. It averages out. At least it’s a loss so it’s all good.
•I find it Interesting observing what others say to me in response to losing this weight so far - my immediate family see it. Comments are coming in the form of compliments about my clothes, about my hair, my skin. So I’m definitely seeing a difference and I feel it. It’s bliss fitting into my jeans properly and my tops are fitting well. Older clothes I can throw on and they’re working. That’s the worst thing for me being so overweight, feeling rubbish In all my clothes and being so uncomfortable.
•The scales - I think I’ll get back to daily weighing to stay motivated.
•I feel a lot more confident in myself now that I’ve lost some weight. I’m a chatty & friendly person but I love to look good. I love fashion, hair and make up so I’m glad I’ve started this diet and getting myself sorted. Much better energy levels too. Feel so much more positive about myself.
•I really want to be the glam Mum not the fat frumpy Mum at the school gate lol
•I need to project confidence at work which I do but it’s a lot easier when I feel good about myself and not hidden behind 5 stone of extra weight. I deal with a lot of glamorous young people so I want to be as heathy as I can be.
•I have also done this for health reasons. Huge amount of heart disease and diabetes in my family. Plus every woman I meet tells me ‘it must be peri-menopause!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ I’d rather get the weight off first and then tackle that 🤣
•I am not having the shakes this time as they don’t feel like a meal to me.

•I have the bars: chocolate orange, fruit n nut, cookie. Porridge: apple & cinnamon, maple syrup & berry. Meals: spag bal, pasta pesto, mac cheese, tikka, chicken noodle soup. Caramel squares. Pop squares. Fruit flavourings for water & veg flavouring. What a choice. There’s so many more options too. Smoothies, soups and shakes. It’s amazing compared to 12/13 years ago where I enjoyed the diet but it was so restricted. I’m loving this.
•9 weeks and I haven’t had anything off the plan as I’m afraid it would send me off track. It’s not cheap and I just want to get this part done and get to the tricky part of maintaining the new weight. When I needed to lose the mountain of weight that seemed like the hard part (every day …. Today is the day and then mess up by evening for years and years). I’m glad to have made the decision to have started and to be free of that battle.

•I weigh myself I have no desire to be weighed my a consultant and have photos taken. Reminds me of old weight watchers meetings with my mum years ago. Been there done that. I’m lucky to have a supportive consultant who’s there when I need her but I’m happier to just get on with this myself for the time being.

Some ramblings of a retuning Cambridge dieter and I’m so, so happy. Hopefully by November the 4.5/5 stone will be gone and I’ll be learning how to maintain.
I had extra packs yesterday which is fine as it evens out with 1a (3 meal) days somewhere within the week. I never weigh myself if I’ve had extra packs, I just look at it as I needed the extra calories that day, stayed on plan and carry on. I only have enough meals for 4 a day for 2 weeks so it balances out regardless.
I’ve had my porridge. Drinking a black coffee while waiting for the family shop delivery (non of which is for me lol) and then cutting the grass which is a massive job. I need the fresh air and steps.
BBQ tonight so must save a meal & snack for then.
So 10 weeks of this diet done. Weigh day and I’m 1lb down taking me to 27lbs. I am crawling to 28lbs where I feel I should have been at 2 weeks ago which really is frustrating. Cambridge is an average of a stone a month and when you don’t hit those targets it’s expensive at £150-£170 fortnightly.
Now checking my inch loss, I have now lost more inches off my chest and hips this week so the weight is going it’s just not showing up on the scales.

So my choice is I stick with eating only the Cambridge packs - not the easiest when the scales don’t want to move much for a month ( this feels safe) or the next step up which is still 3 Cambridge meals and add a forth meal of 200 kcal of veg and protein from their specific food list. Real food! Maybe I need it. I’m also terrified of having real food after 10 weeks of having nothing off this plan. It’s only because I’ve never in my life been this motivated and focused but perhaps this is a test to myself to see how I go introducing food back in.
I think at 12 weeks you have to step up to this plan for a week anyway.

At least I’m thinking about it and not just grabbing something off plan. But it’s driving me loopy but passing this 2 stone mark.

Need to up my water
💦 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
Been for a brisk walk. Need to get walking every day. Should help kids on their bikes. Fresh air always good. I’ll have my Cambridge 3 marks and see what I want to do tonight. Have a call with my consultant later too to see what she thinks is best. Getting the water into me.
Had a 200kcal protein & veg meal tonight after 3 Cambridge meals. Tuna & cauliflower. Going to do this for the week and see what it brings. I look forward to chicken and veg stirfry.