New Diary.


Gold Member
Hi Everyone.

Last time I was here I had been advised by doctor to remove meat and dairy from my diet and slowly re-incorporate it into my diet. That's what I have been doing for the last 3 months.

I'm still trying to find the right balance, so apologies for my food diary being all over the place and I'm sure there will be a few random concoctions in here.

Anyway, rather than having 2 diaries, I'm going to be lumping my thought's in here as well, because all my moaning is in one place then. I've been away for a while and I know there were some changes in Jan, so if anything needs tweaking please let me know.

Well what's been happening with me in the last few months...... still with my fiancée, but he's still not working, I'm still ill and unable to conceive. But the up point's for this year have been I was made a great aunt at 24 back in April, he's beautiful, haven't got my cuddles yet but I'm sure I will soon! My cousin also had a baby girl a couple of months ago as well. We also had our own new addition to the household but of the more furry kind.

As some will know I already have a lovely Yorkie x Jack Russell called lilly but now we have the most beautiful little male bundle of joy! He was 10 weeks old yesterday and is a pure bred toy Yorkie called hudson or huddy for short. He's absolutely amazing! a proper rough and ready little boy! Sooo perfect! Also more on the baby front, my best friend has asked me to be her birthing partner and god mother to her new baby who is due in Jan '13. It's exciting stuff. I don't want to focus on the negatives, there's lots more illness bit wrong with me but I'm going to stay positive!

Anyway as you can see it's 4.30am and I'm still awake, insomnia is bad again but on the plus side, dinner is bubbling away and smells delish! MUSHY PEA CURRY! NOM NOM!
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Green Day

B: Pineapple, banana

L: 1x egg, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, spring onion, 14g cheese (1/2 hexa)1x tsp hellmanns fullfat mayo (2syns)

Made a massive salad but the toms and cucumber juices had pooled at the bottom of the plate and made me gag. Hence the small portion :(

D: Jacket spud, 42g of cheese, (1.5 hexas) bbq beans, (2 syns) lettuce, tomato, cucumber, (1 hexb 85g raw) bacon, butter (1.5 syns)

Syns 5.5/105

Well due to a couple of naps through the day I seem to have napped through my snack time, so it doesn't look like I've eaten very much.
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