New habit's and addicition's


Full Member
Now I'm currently sat here with a a homemade advocado face mask on, its basically guacamole without oil or salt and pepper and I've noticed that when I diet I try and find uses for things that I can't eat, because I don't want to waste food. My mum bought me my fave advocado's today and I obviously can't eat them so I'm making face masks out of them.

I also dissolve my sweeteners in a teaspoon of hot tap water before they go in my shake and soup's and it's not something I do when I'm not dieting.

I also find I can't stomach washing up when doing exante, all that yucky food water makes me want to be poorly.

I'm addicting to cooking shows when doing exante, especially Man V Food.

Do any of you have any little tradition's, habit's or addiction's when dieting?
I'm a bit obsessed with food shows too at the moment, love man v food too!! :0)
I find I set goals as to when I have my shakes/meals and see if I can hold out that little bit longer!