New here and starting slim & save


Full Member
I am new to this forum so I thought I would say Hi....Hello :) I have just received my first lot of slim & save and tried my first shake of cookies and cream, and to be honest I thought it tasted lovely. I have dieted on and off ever since I can remember I am the typical yo yo'er lol I always go on extreme diets where I pretty much starve myself and then end up crashing, so I thought that slim and save would be a good diet for me considering it's low calorie but i'm getting everything I need from it, I know by body won't be starving and there is no cheating. I have heard that it is difficult but I am going to do my best to push through, I would love to hear any recommendations that anyone has to help me stay on this diet. Look forward to hearing from you all :)
Hi, I'm new to S&S too, have done LL for 3 weeks and then switched. S&S is so much nicer than LL, I've only had a few packs so far (day 2 of S&S) but all have been really lovely - after LL it's rather nice! My best tip - keep drinking water. If you're anything like me, you will have mistaken a good number of feelings to be hunger and fed them, where water seems to do the trick for the majority. I planned for the first week to be hideous and it just wasn't, it was ok, not sure if that was because of the planning or if I didn't get the worse of the affects. I expected a nasty carb withdrawl head but it never happened, also thought I'd struggle from giving up diet coke but that was fine too. And funnily enough, I always used to get awful heartburn drinking plain water, but since starting TFR I don't anymore. Take one day at a time and be kind to yourself :)
My best advice take it one day at a time and commit to yourself that you will go this every day 100%

Before you know it weeks would have passed
I completely agree about making the commitment to it and taking one day at a time. It seems like only yesterday I was desperate to start (had a holiday planned waited until after that to start) and tomorrow I would have completed 9 weeks 100%. It has made a massive difference to how I feel about myself - I have just started to enjoy clothes shopping even though I still want to lose quite a bit more!
Good Luck - hope you really enjoy it!
Thanks for all of your advice, so I have only been on it one day and I feel like Hell :( I feel hungry and tired, I have a really bad head and in a really low mood. Please tell me I wont be like this through the whole diet
No it won't. You will feel a but rough for a few days and then you will start to feel good

I am on day 36 and never felt better
get over the 4days of mini-hell by keeping yourself busy and it'll be a breeze after that.
Hi and welcome to the forum. As has already been said the first few days are the worst but after that it just gets easier & easier and the results are fantastic.

Best of luck x
hey there im also newish to s&s, for me i keep my water bottle filled up and next to me at all times so when i start feeling a bit hungry i have a bit of water first. it helps keep track too of how much water ive had as i use the 1l volvic bottles you can buy :)

I am refeeding following s&s I did 5 months and a bit on plan

Would say the first few days keep busy, lots of water, sparkling water, coke zero

Have prepared veggies and protein in the fridge

Pamper yourself, do things you enjoy that are non food orientated

Go for coffee, go for a walk, zumba whatever you.enjoy

Keep busy it helps. Hydrate and nibble on.veg. get your favourite tea or coffee

Good luck hun Xx
Aw you are so lovely, I think that if I hadn't read you advice I would cracked by now, but im still sticking in there but its so hard. Im on day 3 now and I woke up feeling great and now it's the evening, which is always worse, and I just wanna eat all the things I can't but like you have all said the first few days are the hardest so will all willpower I am trying to get through despite wanting to rip my own hair out lol All I Keep thinking is in a few months how I will be able to go and buy new clothes and feel better about myself. On the plus side in 3 days I've already 7lbs which I am so happy about :D
That's awesome. I found it helpful to try and work out if I was hungry or if I was has really helped some issues I have with food really come to light. Just keep distracting yourself, maybe take up a new hobby, that is what I intend to do.
Aw you are so lovely, I think that if I hadn't read you advice I would cracked by now, but im still sticking in there but its so hard. Im on day 3 now and I woke up feeling great and now it's the evening, which is always worse, and I just wanna eat all the things I can't but like you have all said the first few days are the hardest so will all willpower I am trying to get through despite wanting to rip my own hair out lol All I Keep thinking is in a few months how I will be able to go and buy new clothes and feel better about myself. On the plus side in 3 days I've already 7lbs which I am so happy about :D

When you see the scales its all worth it, and you quickly forget how you felt the first few days, keep at it, your doing great
Hello everyone, im on my second day now and actually finding it ok. Was worried i woulnt like the taste! just want a good weight lose at the end of the week :)
I almost cracked tonight, I had the phone and the takeout menu ready to order and then I some how managed to break out of it, I have no idea how cause I have never been able to do that before but after saying no and staying strong I have never felt so good lol
That's brilliant. Just keep going a day at a time.
Well done you, that's really impressive. I don't think I could have been that strong.
^ Excellent! I still struggle with take-out and convenient fast food :)
Well I crashed after a week of being on the diet, I ended up going to hospital were I I couldn't do the diet and when I came home I never went back on straight away but I restarted a week ago so I kind of had just over a week off which isnt good but I have started again thankfully. I'm down 1st and 4lb which isn't much considering what I weigh but its a step in the right direction :)