New house new start

Well today I lost another 4lbs. So pleased really really happy. We are so short at work I have been doing extra shifts. But have today and tomorrow off! It seems like all I have done it catch up on sleep x did get out to fill the cupboards. Ordered a weight watcher cookbook online, so hopefully I can get some homemade goodness soon x
It's insane how quickly 2 days off can go!! Back to work tomorrow. Food today very yummy.

Crumpets x 2 5pp
Honey 2pp
Bowl of blueberries with natural yogurt 2pp
Total 9pp

King prawns with a lemon mayo and rocket salad on a slice of super thick whole meal bread
A rhubarb creamy yogurt 6pp
Total 15pp

A massive red pepper stuffed with spicy beef mince and feta cheese 6pp
A load of chargrilled med veg with olive oil 2pp
Couscous 4pp

Total 34pp

I still have 16pp left!!! Think I need to eat more high point foods, I have got some nuts so will nibble on some if them later, also going to have a gin and tonic or 2!!!
Hiyas hope you don't mind me tagging along I started sunday I didnt know you could go straight onto points, im itching to eat what I fancy instead of whats on the lists I have swapped over from slimming world and its very similar..

I also have lots more than others have pointwise but im sure il survive :D lol.

13lb off in 2 weeks is amazing !

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I know I am rubbish with this diary!! Writing in it would help, but I am keeping to plan. Today saw a 3lb lose. So very happy with that. I have a week off work this week, I booked it thinking it was half term, but that's next week!!! Not that my son really minds if I am off with him at his age anymore. X