New start 2016


Full Member
I've been a member of minimins for a while now and am so pleased that it's back.
I've started a new diary in the members only section but thought I'd do an introduction post as it's a new start for me.
So I'm 30 and from Surrey. I've struggled with my weight since I was about 14. I was diagnosed with PCOS around that time which I don't think helped but then came the vicious cycle of comfort eating. So now I accept responsibility for my weight and I know that I can lose it. In the last year I've lost 1.5 stone and managed to keep it off. I've still got a long way to go but I feel very motivated and the support here always helps.
I used to follow the WW plan but I don't really know if I'll go back to that yet. I'm going to try to just track my food and eat healthier and exercise more and see how that goes.
Good luck to everyone :)
Thanks tasi :)
That's what I'm hoping...that it's going to be a change I make for good...not just for the short term. The weight WILL stay off.
Aqua aerobics sounds fun...I should look into something like that.