new to forum

trying 2b slim

New Member
Hi everyone.

My names May and I'm currently just starting week 2 of my new healthy lifestyle (I prefer them words to 'diet' !!). I am currently 23 stone 13lb so have lots to lose and I am now at a point in life I want to do it.
I am in a civil partnership and we have 4 kids between us. From 18 down to 7. I cant wait till I can race round park with my 7 year old. lol.
Thats about as I get for now lookin forward to getting to know some of you xxx
Hi May,
thought i would pop on and say hello i too have started on a journey today to lose weight i am doing slim and save and so far so good..... good luck on your journey and you will be running round the park in no time xxx
Hi may

What eating pan are you following? I can see your 7 year old will have to watch out when you reach target. ?

Good luck with your weight loss.
Oh wow you've got a lot on ur hands :p sure you will do great and can't wait to see your updates xxx