New to this - Syn Allowance


New Member

Newbie here so please be patient if I ask loads of questions!

Joined last night and the leader said she would tell us our syn allowance after weigh in but she didn't and I forgot to ask. she mentioned between 5 and 15 daily but does this apply to everyone or is this dependent on weight? Also can I save syns to use at the weekend if I know I will be socialising (doesn't happen often but syns for vodka sound good to me!)
Hi @curvy77 and welcome!

5-15 is the general rule of thumb for everyone. I've never known a consultant give someone a specific number (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong). As for saving syns, SW themselves don't encourage it. Having said that, many consultants (mine included) are all for it. I give myself a total of 105 syns for the week (15 x 7) and mark them off as I use them. It doesn't work for everyone, and if your weight loss slows or stops, it'll be the first thing you're asked to look at, but it works really well for me and most other people in my group.

Hope this helps.
