New to weight watchers


Full Member
Am starting weight watchers tomorrow, just ordered the starter pack from eBay so I can get started whilst I make my mind up wether I need the meetings or not. It all seems very confusing trying to work out the points of everything I eat but am sure it will all make sense in time. Have got about 2 stone to lose there's only so many years you can get away with blaming it on baby fat but my children are nearly 4 so the time has come to take action !!!!
Hiya hunny, u will soon get the hang of it. I hav about 3 stone to lose & my boys r 12 & 8 lol!! I got books off eBay & joined online 2. If u hav the motivation it's really easy to follow but give me a shout if u need any help. I'm toying wiv joining a class to see if it makes me stick to it more. Good luck :) x
Thanks for your reply .. I started today ,I worked out my food for the day before I went to bed am not eating too differently to before as I have been on a healthy eating diet for about a month,it's just nice to have guidelines coz as every dieter knows it's very easy to go off the rails on a healthy eating diet and make excuses I.e this cheesecake is part of my 5 a day coz it has mango in it lol ... Feeling confident I can stick to it now all we need is some hot weather to motivate more I hate feeling fat on hot days coz you can't hide away under lots of clothes!!! Good luck to you too x
Good Luck!
I'm new to WW as well. Not ordered any books yet, roll on payday lol. I've tried all sorts of diets in the past but so far, I'm finding I'm really enjoying this!
Im used to the old WW and when it changed over to PP I switched to SW. Now I've heard of SF I'm heading back to WW give it a go :)
I find meetings really really help. even if your not 'into' it for a while keep going you will soon kick back into place.. I took about 6 weeks break for money probs and before i left i wasnt into it.. i went back and have started again.. but really focused like the first time ever i did it. lost half a stone in 2 weeks. and had treats!!! xxx