new year, new me, for the last time!

Hi wanna barbie!!

This is my 3rd time trying Cambridge!

First time is weight measurements medical details, discussion on your BMI the products and what to expect in your first week. My CDC emails me a couple of days after I start and checks I'm ok. And she's on hand if I.need her. We use email because its easiest for both of us. Shes really good and understanding and any problems helps as much as she can!

But that's not saying your first week will be easy! By evening on day one you'll be restraining yourself from dialling the takeaway I promise! Keep yourself busy, go to bed early, don't sit and do nothing or you'll feel hungrier! I work overtime, do washing, paint my nails, anythin! Stops me from wanting to eat!
As your body gets into ketosis it gets worse, I get bad headaches, snappy and irritable, and drained. But! There's light at the end of the tunnel and by day 5/6 I start to feel like I have more energy, not hungry, headaches gone and mood positive and by this point you'll see a difference on the sales too!

Honestly, thia diet requires will power and self reasoning, stick a photo of you in your underwear on the fridge and remind yourself ketosis works! You just need to not break when its at the hardest point!

If I feel hungry, I have a golden vegetable teaspoon with hot water, tastes like chicken noodles cuppa soup and makes me feel full
Day 11

Bedtime, my tummy is rumbling, and the scales say that since I saw my CDC 6 days ago, I've only list 4lb, which is making me wana eat all the more! 4lb a week is not enough in my mind! Need to keep focus that it will pay off if I stick at it. Thia weekend is gona be difficult, I'm craving everything that's bad for me!
hi deb, stop getting on them scales, it only makes u worry and want to eat if it's not what u wanna see x
Deb, Thanks for the advice!! I think it is better to go in with the mindset that it will be difficult as h*ll and know what to expect, its better than going into it thinking its gonna be easy.

What you said about keeping your focus cause it will pay off, is sooo right. So don't worry about the pounds, just think that in the end you will FEEL better and that's what counts the most. Have faith that the process will be worth it in the end.... that's all that matters!

Cheers 2 da freakin weekend!!!
I knew the weekend would be the hardest so I started my diet on the Monday, knowing I had a full week to keep my busy when it was going to be the hardest!

This time I mentally prepared myself for how difficult it was going to be in week one, to the point I kind of found it easy, I think thinkin the absolute worst made it bearable.

Dreading my weigh in tonight, but I'm starting to feel like I've changed shape a little, which is makin me feel a little better. Just need to stick it out through the weekend which is always the hardest! Going out tonight though, gona dance all night and stick to water, I'm takin the car so I can't be tempted!
Day 12

Went shopping after work, had to walk past greggs and McDonald's... and then went to Asda. Bought my fabric starch and a 150g of grilled chicken breast, there's one piece left in the box. I was going mad needing to eat somethin and I know sole source plus you can have chicken, think its like 120g or somethin there abouts, so from 150g box I had all but one piece so I figure that's just over what I should have, but its a dam site better than mcdonalds or greggs!!

Off for my 2nd week weigh in, 5lb in the first week, let's see what this week has......
Day 70 (in total, day 14 restart)

Haven't updated at all in over a month! But here's why!

After 2 weeks I started getting periods, something which i didn't get before. I persisted for a week then went to see my doc. She said its probably not the diet but I convinced myself it was so decided to come off the diet.

Had a week off and my body stopped having girlie issues and I went back on, back up to 17st1lb, so 1lb under my start weight! Gutted!!

Back in found it so hard to stick to! I'd lost my focus and motivation completely! So cheated and cheated some more, weight dropped and rose.

Then put my back out and ended up on some pretty strong painkillers and muscle relaxers that don't mix with Cambridge so had to come off again!

Back fixed and back on diet but with even less motivation! Saw my counsellor, told her how u was feeling, she told me to take some time off the diet and re think. The following day I was back on track, but still stayed off the diet till the Monday. Then back on and lost 7lb in four days! Felt like I'd lost nothing so I was shocked!

Another week on, and felt like I'd lost loads, weigh in and I'd list 2lb. Counsellor said you can lose weight then inches or inches then weight. Not sure how much of that is true....

So as of Thursday gone I was at 16st. Just over a stone lighter than I was 70 days ago. Which is not great....

BUT! I'm now focused! I no longer want to cheat because the desire to lose weight is now greater than the desire to eat the eclaire or pizza etc!

And I just bought a dress, it fits, just. So I'm hoping in a week or two it'll fit like a glove! And that a couple of weeks after that, it'll be too big lol.

Promise ill try and update more often!

So I restarted 14 days ago, on 16st9lb, by day 11 I'd dropped 9lb, next weigh in on day 18, I'll keep you posted!
Day 15

Not hungry today, making a conscious effort to drink water thing as I've not been drinking enough lately. I have a headache, thats probably due to not drinking enough.

Going rock climbing tonight! Become a tad obsessed with it lately which is helping spur on my diet, the lighter I am the easier it is to climb! Plus its not so energetic that it kills me on sole source, but its great for toning me up all over.
Day 16

Got my weigh in, in two days. Been doing really well so hoped stepping on the scales would spur me on, instead it said I'd lost 2lb in 5 days, not bad for a normal diet, not great for sole source!

So bit demotivated but gona stick at it till Thursday night and my next official weigh in and see how much difference that makers, plus I have bootcamp tomorrow which might help :)
Day 17

Where has today gone!?
Work flew by I was so busy.
Nice weather when I got home so washed mine my mums and my sisters car. Hoovered my car. Done two loads of washing and then been to zumba! Not hungry but only had two shakes today so need to have one now.

If I haven't lost a fair bit this week at my weigh in tomorrow I'll not be pleased! But its sods law, on the weeks I'm good and work out I lose less than when I sit on my backside!

Can't wait for my weigh in :)
Day 18

Only lost 2lb this week, gutted cause I've been so good!! Down to 15st12lb

But annoyed and just ate loads of things I shouldn't :(
Now feeling guilty about eating, but wondering about going straight back into sole source tomorrow or wait till Sunday....
Day 21

Well after only looking 2lb and my binge of annoyance, I then went out friday night and drank a lot!! Then Saturday ate more crap and today ate left over pizza and chocolate. Yey!!

Hmm so gona get back on it tomorrow mornin and hammer it!! Along with gym sessions going to give bootcamp another whirl and zumba!! Need to drop more weight and stop falling off the wagon on weekends!!

And although I was breaking the diet Friday night, I bumped into an ex who told me I was looking really good now these days. Major ego boost!! Even more so since I dressed super nice just so I would feel good, not for any bloke! :) still gona work at it though! I've decided not only do I wana improve my climbing but after this diet I wana visit Cambodia, and I want to be able to show people pictures of it, with me in it, and not cringe at my arms and legs and stomach!!!