New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Yeah, very. I considered chocolate and sweets in Aldi but thought nah, I'll buy a bag of apples and two boxes of strawberries instead lol Oh, put the crisps back too! Must be doing ok!
Good resistant muscle building!
Well I thought about it and asked myself do I really want these? Is it a good idea to have these? Knew the answer to with was no. I want to lose weight. I want to look good on holiday. I want to be fit and healthy. If I want those things I need strawberries and apples over chocolate and crisps!

Morning again? Already?! Waking up is so hard this week. So windy outside, sounds like I'd be blown over the second I stepped outside! Makes me want to just stay in my nice warm cosy bed lol

It's aqua aerobics tonight. My sister had said she'll do it with me each week. She backed out last week though, hopefully she'll be ok for it this week. If I am going to stop doing a VLCD then I really want to do the class and then gym on a Saturday to help.
Surprise surprise my sister isn't coming to aquafit. Again. She meant to tell me earlier in the week apparently but forgot. She pulled out of the last two as well so haven't actually been yet. I obviously can't rely on her to come so as much as I hate going to these things alone, I'm going to have to *sigh* Should have known better than to even bother asking her.
Maybe! I doubt it though, far too shy and awkward in these situations!
Morning again? Already?! Waking up is so hard this week. So windy outside, sounds like I'd be blown over the second I stepped outside! Makes me want to just stay in my nice warm cosy bed lol

It's aqua aerobics tonight. My sister had said she'll do it with me each week. She backed out last week though, hopefully she'll be ok for it this week. If I am going to stop doing a VLCD then I really want to do the class and then gym on a Saturday to help.

Sounds like my CFF experience ( then when I was looking after my dad she started going with her other friend)!

Surprise surprise my sister isn't coming to aquafit. Again. She meant to tell me earlier in the week apparently but forgot. She pulled out of the last two as well so haven't actually been yet. I obviously can't rely on her to come so as much as I hate going to these things alone, I'm going to have to *sigh* Should have known better than to even bother asking her.

I have a difficult time doing things on my own (I blame it on having three sisters). But, of I don't I'll never go.

You might make a new friend there! You never know. Good luck and enjoy it! X

It took me a while but I started going to Zumba on my own and it was fine! Go for it! :)

Impressed with that! I miss Zumba. I just need to go and do things.
I'm not really sure why I'm so funny with it but its something that I really struggle with. I will try and go tonight but if I don't I'll do Turbo Jam at home instead. Turbo Jam is a bigger burn but I do dreally enjoy aquafit.
I don't know whether it will help but I am the complete opposite, so it might give you a different view on things. I actually feel much more comfortable with strangers, especially doing things for the first time, than I am with asking someone to come along with me. I love meeting people for the first time. I hate being beholden to anyone. If ever I go shopping with a friend I am far more likely to just take a back seat and let her shop, and then go back to the shop another day and try things on in peace! We're just different I suppose.
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Here you go, something to get you started: "How's it hingin'?", "clatty", "boggin", "cludgie", "dreich", "bampot", "bawheid", "baw bag" and "dubble nugget" :rotflmao:
Hello my gorgeous shrinking friend. How has your day been? Only 1 more day till the weekend. Told you this week would go quickly. :)
**** is how my day has been! Started well but gone downhill very very quickly.
It can't be so bad that an extra good day tomorrow couldn't counteract it? Don't let it turn into a bad weekend or a bad week even. Draw a line and just get back on the wagon first thing tomorrow. :sigh: