Welcome to minimins .
You have come to the right place. Which method are you using to lose weight?
I am using slimming world. This is working for me. But there are many other types of weight loss programs you can follow that may fit better into your lifestyle. Take a look at a few and see if any you think you can use long term. For me, that was slimming world. I could eat all the foods I liked just need to tweak a few of my recipes. So I could have enough potatoes, rice and pasta to make me full providing I had a 1/3 of speed vegetables on my plate.
For me, planning is key so make sure I plan my menu out for several days this way I can fit things in properly that life throws at you. For example, I will have a meal in the slow cooker if I go to the hospital so on my return not much to do to put a hot meal on the table that is on plan. I also do batch cooking so that I can make extra portions to put in the freezer to take out at a later date when life is busy or I just can't be bothered. My version of a ready meal.
At the end of the day, it is about calories in and calories burned. To lose just 1lb you need 3500 calorie deficit per week. Now so I am not hungry all the time. I fill up on vegetables, fruits, ensure I have plenty of lean protein. Foods like oats are low in calories but keep you fuller for longer. You don't just have to have porridge with oats. You can do overnight oats and baked oats. I do baked oats most days made with zero fat Greek yogurt and a protein yogurt both are high in protein so keep me fuller for longer.
If you have a bad day draw a line underneath that day and start again the next day don't let it be an excuse to go off plan, one bad day won't undo all your good work. I learned that not every week you will lose weight. Even if you follow it to a tee. Weight is determined by so many factors from hormones, to salty foods to repairing after exercise.
I have been doing my weight loss journey for nearly a year now and I have lost over 5 stone. I have been away twice and ate off plan for both of them. I then put on weight for those weeks but jumped back on the plan on returning. You will find weight loss is not a quick journey it took years to put on it may take a few years to take off.
So don't get disheartened there is a plan out there for you. good luck with your weight loss journey and reaching your goals along the way.