Next Stop Armani!


Full Member
Hi all,

Ian here, but I've been SmileyMan (or 'Smiley') on the Internet since 1992 - before there was even a Web! From this you will deduce that I am a nerd of the highest order.

Anyway, having watched 'The Men Who Made Us Fat' and getting so angry about it, I've decided to change myself. Or rather, reverse the changes that have been forced upon me by greedy food companies. I've tried dieting before, but it's never been very successful. I always thought it was about willpower, but the programme has convinced me that I've been poisoned for profit.

So now that I know that I'm battling an addiction, I'm going 'cold turkey' and stating LipoTrim tomorrow. The best thing is, I already know that I won't be cheating, and I won't be stopping until it's all gone - in fact my major worry right now is how I'll cope with coming off the diet once I've lost all the flab.

To show how bad things are, I don't actually know my current weight - it's somewhere north of 23st, which at 5'9" is definitely in the high 40's for BMI. Getting on the scales has been too depressing to do for a while now - especially when you can't see the dial :sigh: - the weigh in tomorrow will be the first time I know the extent of the damage.

Anyway, the goals in order are as follows:

Goal 1: Stay on LipoTrim for a week without cheating
Goal 2: Stay on LipoTrim for a month without cheating
Goal 3: Weight less than 20st
Goal 4: Stay on LipoTrim for six months without cheating
Goal 5: Reach upper limit for healthy BMI
Goal 6: Reach midpoint for healthy BMI, switch to maintenance
Goal 7: Start serious exercise regime including running, martial arts and badminton
Goal 8: Come off maintenance and commence healthy new me diet
Goal 9: Buy OBSCENELY EXPENSIVE made-to-measure Armani suit (no Emporio rubbish, it's Giorgio for me! :eek: )
Goal X: Take the long-suffering and completely wonderful Mrs Smiley out on the tiles, looking a billion dollars

The best thing is - I've already won in my mind, and getting this done is a certainty. Once it became a battle of little me versus evil giant multinational corporations, the end result was never in doubt.

Anyway, I'll keep you all up to date, and thanks for a fantastic forum - this place has really eased any worries I had about LipoTrim with all the reports of real people with real weight to lose. Oh yeah, I'll be using my nerd power to make a time-lapse video of the weight loss as an inspiration for others!
Good luck ian, we're starting together pretty much so let's hope we both manage the success we want together!
Hi Ian, got to say i agree with your comments about being poisoned for profit, as consumers were constantly targeted and bombarded with food that are bad for us. And i also agree that it's an addiction to processed food that's got me into this! I've stayed away from scales for 2 years until last week, but it was the kick i needed to start sorting this out. I haven't watched The men who made us fat but will now, thanks.
I like your determination and the goals you've set, I've yet to do that too. Not on the same diet but I'll look out for your update's on your succsess.
Hi and welcome to the site !!

You are very determined and you will need that to spur u on when you are having a bad day !!

Wishing you all the best

Lisa xx
Well, just got weighed and it was even worse than expected. All the more reason to get rid of it!
Welcome Ian:welcome2:

Brilliant first post full of determination and I am sure before long that Armani suit will be yours!

Love Mini xxx