Nibbly and need help!


Full Member
Hi everyone. I am hoping someone has some words of wisdom to help me. I have been on LLT for 12 weeks now and have been really strict. However the last few weeks I have been struggling with wanting to nibble. I am not tempted by carbs and stuff, but have given in a few times to eating a little cooked chicken or ham ( and I mean a little, less than 25g). I know that calorie wise this is not so bad, but I am more worried about why this is happening now after so long. I still have about 3 stone to go for my initial goal and don't want to mess it up now. Can anyone help?
Honestly, and the lighterlife purists here will slaughter me i know, if a nibble of chicken helps i'd carry on. Or possibly consider doing lite if it is making you feel guilty. It certainly seems that you're not craving sugar or carbs which is great!
Having done a simular programe before I found this was a start to a very slippery slope, i had a planned lapse and once i had had the taste it triggered the want for more I know we are all different but be careful ask yourself what you want, have you done the last 12wks for nothing? before picking ask yourself why you want this, think about the things you have learnt in cbt only you will have the answers, all the best hope you find them x
Heya lovely, i know i can't massivley help but just to say you are not alone if that helps? This week i've been exactly the same, just having a tiny bit of cooked chicken on the odd evening. I'm really trying to work out why this has just started happening, as since now i've been so so strict and not gone off plan at all. And like you said in the grand scheme of things it's not a lot but it does worry me that when i come off the plan a little but of cooked chicken will escalate into full on unhealthy binges again. Have you had any more thoughts on why you might be having nibbly moments? I'm 2lb from my goal weight, so not sure if this could be self sabotage? I'm just seriously wanting to sort this out. Sorry i know i've not helped, but i hope you feel a bit better in knowing you're not alone hunxxxx
Hi. It is good to know I am not alone
I have done a lot of thinking and as far as I can tell it is something to do with routine or boredom. I have been doing this for so long now and have such a long way to go. I think it is something to do with that. To make it worse I have tried really hard to be totally on plan this week and have succeeded, but got weighed this morning and have not lost any weight. Still a day to go before my official weigh in so hoping for a miracle overnight. I think I am just fed up with losing so slowly despite doing everything right. Sorry this is so moany, I am normally quite positive!
My bro switched to lll near the end, and that may be an option worth considering. I stayed on till then end but if I had my time again, I'd probably have switched too, rather than do the last couple of stone on llt.
Well after only losing a pound last night I have woken up this morning with a runny nose and headache and really sensitive skin which is always a sign I am run down and fighting a bug. I feel a bit better ironically as this is probably why I lost less. I also feel a lot more positive today about the diet and have no urge to eat. I still feel
Like I have such a lot to learn and will make sure I get to every class I Possibly can so I can learn as much as possible. We still have a lot of ground to cover.