Nic's New Start

Hi Nic. Just wanted to post to say how well you are doing! You are a much more positive lady than the one that started in the New Year. Your weight loss is fantastic! and your planned break really works for you. Also you a great support to us all on the forum. Best wishes for phase 2!
Thanks BusyMum and Malcolm.

well another day done. Feeling nervous for weigh in this week after weekend off, I'm sure it'll be another small one, but hey, better off than on! If I can manage 3lbs I'll be back in the teens, so that has to be an inspiration. I really want to get to low 18 stones by the time I go on hols in 6 weeks, it'll be tough but I think that will give me an incentive to be 100% and not slip up.
I'm routing for you to get into your teens. I love it when the scales say your now onto a new stone. It just seems like ages until you get to your other stone lol. If that makes sense.
Made my 3lbs off, so back in the teens - just! But it's downhill from here, and hopefully next week should see my 3stone off! I'm hoping to start picking up with my losses again from next week. Back to work and in a routine, it's so much easier then!

I know it's around the four stone mark I give up, so need to make sure my strategies are in place for maintaining the weight loss beyond that. I do feel more determined this time.
Fantastic Nic, well done. I am sure you will have done more than a 3st loss next week.
A scary night last night! I've been feeling a bit under the weather the last few days, not sure why, and the last two I've felt a bit constipated (TMI). Anyway somewhere on here dulcolax pico perles were recommended as being very mild, so I took 2 last night before bed. I woke up at 2 with agonising cramps and then whilst in the bath room fainted. I smashed my head into the door, which now has a hole in one side and the outer panel split off the other. I was only out for a second or two, but I've got a grazed and sore head and a very achey back this morning. I can't believe that no one else in the house heard me land. The dog was running backwards and forwards to the bedroom trying to wake my hubby to no avail, and I was just lying there. I went back to bed and am taking it easy today. If I get increased pain, I may need to nip over to A and E. I had loads to do for work, but it'll have to wait. So, not sure what caused the fainting, I'm thinking the tablets were just too harsh. I'm sticking with the shakes ATM, but will see how I go.

And now, when we were going to spend next weekend starting the garden, we need to replace the bathroom door instead!
Oh my goodness Nic how awful for you. Hope you're okish. I take 2 dulcolax because 1 doesn't seem to do anything. I must admit I take them in the morning and do get cramps late afternoonish. I do it over the weekend when I don't need to go out if I need to. I've never felt like fainting, but these things can affect us all differently. Try and take it easy today and hope you're not too bruised x x x
Thanks Kay, I'm feeling a bit better. I've used dulcolax before when not on TFR and been fine. I reckon something just wasn't right with me. I'm going out with hubby in a bit, just to do it, as part of fainting is it dents your confidence. I'm sure I'll be back on track later. 'twas frightening though.
Hope you're feeling better today Nic and your head's not too sore.
Thank you JOd, I'm feeling much better tonight. Was speaking to my Dad and wondering if where it's half term and I've been home I might have overdone the water as I've been drinking loads of tea whilst having to endlessly feed the kids ( or so it feels!).

Back to work and more closely measured water counts tomorrow. Aside from a graze and bump on my head I feel fine, and my lovely hubby has replaced the door. Think he felt guilty for not waking up when I crashed!

So back to work tomorrow, five days till weigh in. I really want a nice loss this week to take me into the 3stones off bracket. Then after weigh in, only 4 weeks left till our holiday, yes! I really hope to get to four stone off by then.
You're doing really well :) are you doing any exercise to get the good losses?
Hi, thanks JOd. No, I'm not exercising yet at all, and my weight loss seems to have slowed since my break. I think I was just lucky this time, or it was because of the sheer mass of my starting weight! Usually I lose well the first 2 weeks then average 3-4lbs after that. I don't think I can face exercise until I lose a bit more, it's still too uncomfortable. I will be interested to see how I do this week. I'm suspecting another 3lbs, but I've been surprised before. Your losses look great too, good luck for this week.
Good to see your feeling better Nic. 3-4lbs is good though and it might go up as you get back into it. The last time I did this diet I was losing 3lbs a week sometimes 2. This time though its up & down. Won't know my stats until the balance out. Guess we are all different. What I would give for the 5-6lb losses a week. I get jealous of those who lose that each week. I still wish them the best though with a hint of envy lol
Oh Nic, just read that you fainted, really sorry to hear and hope you have fully recovered. Thank goodness your're OK and was at home.
Nic I miss your lists. Get thinking of new ones. They make me smile & keep me entertained during the bad times. Not sure what you could do next though. Lol.
Hi Nic maybe it'll average out a bit more, who knows - there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to people's weekly losses! I really want to start exercising, moving around less than a sloth at the moment.
Not a list, but I've nearly lost 5 x 8lbs bowls image.jpg

try lifting them at the alley - massively heavy!

I'll look for some lists later Sam ;)

Hi to everyone reading, a flying visit as I need to put kids to bed etc... Hope everyone's willpower is holding out xx
Here you go Sam i've found another list I'd stored! 10 things to do do instead of eat. It doesn't give my all time favourite though - go on Minimins!

1. Go for a walk. If you have a dog, take him/her with you. Try to really take in everything beautiful outside and shift your focus from food to the pretty flowers you see, the nice houses you see, or the nature that surrounds you.

2. Arts and Crafts. Sew, paint, draw, and create your own masterpiece. You can capture how you are feeling in your drawings. Why not go to your local crafts store and buy something that you’ve never done before?

3. Play an Instrument. Play the piano, violin, trumpet, or any other instrument that you like. Create a new song or just play by reading the notes of your favorite song.

4. Take a nice, relaxing bath. Create a mood for taking a bath: dim the lights, put on relaxing music, light some candles, close your eyes, and feel calmness take over your whole body.

5. Listen to Music. Put on some Mozart or Beethoven to transport you into a relaxed state of mind. If you do not like classical, put on whatever makes you feel good. Singing out loud also helps to put you in a good mood.

6. Write in a Journal. Write down exactly what you are feeling in your journal. Write about whatever happened that day to make you feel like you want to turn to food. You will feel better once you have your feelings off of your chest. In days to come, you will be able to look back on the times that you didn’t give into a binge.

7. Say Affirmations. Say an affirmation out loud and with feeling behind it. Write this affirmation down and post it everywhere you can so that you are always reminded of how you want to be. Put a copy of it on the refrigerator or on the pantry door so you think twice about bingeing. Always try to talk yourself out of the binge.

8. Go for a Drive. Pick up your license and keys and go for a drive. As long as you feel safe, leave all cash and credit cards at home. Try to drive in an area where there is not a lot of temptation for food if you do bring money with you. This will at least make it more difficult to binge.

9. Call a friend or family member. Pick up the phone and call someone that you know you can talk to about how you are feeling. Someone that will encourage you to talk to them until you feel better. It’s better to call someone instead of opening up the pantry door to get food.

10. Read a good book. Pick up any kind of uplifting book that you can find. Reading stories about motivating people that went through challenges will provide hope to you. There are many inspirational stories out there.

i need to use this at the weekend, when food seems more tempting than housework!
Yay another list. Thanks Nic. I've downloaded some piano learning apps on my phone so I'm gonna give that a go when I get hungry. I've also just bought some cheap books to. Your lists are awesome.