Total Solution Nights out

So...I started TS yesterday and going fine! My only worry is tomorrow I have a night out, and next weekend I do! There is nothing I can do to get out of them!! I'm not going to eat carbs - just meat and veg! But is this just not worth it?! I wanted to try and loose a bit of weight before christmas then continue in the new year! I have about 30lbs to loose! Be done cambridge in the past - and worked! So I know I can do it! Just hard with the festive season! Silly time to start I guess :)

Any advice would really help

Thanks xx
No time is a silly time to start.
I think anytime we start there is always going to be meals out/celebrations.

If you are going to eat while you're out then stick to meat and green veggies.
Make sure you avoid carbs and definitely NO alcohol! This way you should stay in ketosis and your weight loss wont be affected much/at all.