nikki's diary - closed...... moved over to maintenance to test the water!

I'm gutted iv accident found out who wins this seasons Biggest Loser :( not gonna tell though, but my god what a difference!!! I'll have to keep watching just to see the transformation, because I can't quite believe it's the same person.

How's the training going? I'm a bit disturbed because my press ups seem to be giving me man-forearms lol, but on the plus side the ole bingo wings are starting to firm up at last. Had a terrible day at work yesterday, ate like a pig, really bad things too, oops. But back on Track today so hopefully not done too much damage!! Just looking forward to working back up the plans soon and taking over with SW again! I was going to try and do SW on my own but there's a class 5 mins walk from my house so I'm going to bite the bullet and go there, heck if I had the guts to walk in there at 17st 8lbs 6 years ago I can go there at 12st something!!
hi nikki, nice to see you seem to be doing ok? I am still maintaining to within 3-4 pounds of my last cd weigh in. im quite surprised i havent put on more. have developed a terrible sweet tooth i never had before, i blame the 3 hot choc cd shakes i had for months! i do try and eat healthy but i swear my tummy is now a bottomless pit! its hard adjusting back to food. but the kids go back to school ina fortnight and then its all systems go for me to get to goal of 10 stone. i think i will have about 20lbs come sept to get to goal. hope today is ok for you!

not doing as good as you. seem to have that bottomless pit feeling too and don't feel full anymore. so i seem to be eating too much. probably up by 5lbs. :(

running lots at the moment. did 11 miles today in 2 hours. only 2.1 left before i've done the half marathon distance. this won't happen until the day though as i'll be sticking to 10.5-11 miles max.
I'm gutted iv accident found out who wins this seasons Biggest Loser :( not gonna tell though, but my god what a difference!!! I'll have to keep watching just to see the transformation, because I can't quite believe it's the same person.

How's the training going? I'm a bit disturbed because my press ups seem to be giving me man-forearms lol, but on the plus side the ole bingo wings are starting to firm up at last. Had a terrible day at work yesterday, ate like a pig, really bad things too, oops. But back on Track today so hopefully not done too much damage!! Just looking forward to working back up the plans soon and taking over with SW again! I was going to try and do SW on my own but there's a class 5 mins walk from my house so I'm going to bite the bullet and go there, heck if I had the guts to walk in there at 17st 8lbs 6 years ago I can go there at 12st something!!

i won't be looking lol. training's going ok. i ran 11 miles today in 2 hours. won't be going further than that before the half marathon. was hard work. did over 22 miles last week. i think this week will be around 25 miles. week after 30 ish then down the miles the following week and nothing the week before the GNR.
:cry:Oh tears at the Biggest Loser again tonight, poor Shay, she's had such a rough life, she deserves to be in this programme more than Tracey the psycho!

Hope you've had a good day! xx
yeah, shay and abby have had it tough. i couldn't imagine loosing my family... it would kill me. and abby was shay's 'mum' in this programme and after what she'd been through it's stinks.

got a on and off cold going on. it comes then it goes again as does my sore throat and cough. don't know what's going on. can't shift it fully but it dulls then comes back over night. thinking might be hayfever.

anyway i hate this limbo land of not doing cd but not quite getting my head back into ww. i just want to be on cd really. blo*dy annoying. s*dding iron levels.

think i've gone up about 5 lbs. trying hard to do the points system but still drawn to calorie counting then wanting to have the freedom on cd. still have a few shakes left and do have one occasionally.

i feel like i can do the exercise bit but not the diet bit. what's going wrong? have lost my off switch i think. feeling very stressed about my weight.
Oh Nikki, I'm feeling exactly the same about my weight. I keep waking up in the night panicking about it. This morning I woke up at 5am with a feeling of dread and I'm really stressed about being able to keep the weight off. I wrote tons about it last night in my diary, to try and make sense of it a bit more, really stressy about going away too :(
i'm finding it really hard to stick to the 21 ww points. i just don't know why. mind i'm trying to up my protein intake and lower my carbs but protein takes up more points than carbs. strange very strange. i've already had my full 21 points and have 5.3 left from my running but i don't want to use these up. no hot choc options for me tonight.

think i need to look for 0 points foods. veggies, salad, veggie soup etc. today my endulgance was a couple of ww bars after my running and a tuna salad sarnie. bars are 1.5 points each or 80 cals and the tuna sarnie was around 300 cals which i guessed at 6 points. there was no info on the packet as it was from a cafe that makes them and doesn't buy them in.

ran 4 miles in 40 mins so 10 min miles burnt 508 cals.

food today has been up and down.

porridge 150 cals
tuna sarnie 300 cals
ww crisps x 2 - 160 cals
apple 50cals
quorn and veg curry 250 cals
bread 200 cals
bisc 150 cals (naughty home made triple choc cookie - jumped into my mouth)
ww bar x 2 160 cals

total - 1420 cals
exercise -508 cals
actually i was very bad eating my triple choc cookie... stupid me! wasted cals. bugg*r!
wednesday is no exercise day, however i did take the dog out for an hour and then spent 2 hours in my garden digging, stamping, levelling and putting soil in bags so i'll say 300 cals total to be kind to myself. 2 more running days until the end of the week. sunday long run is my start. got my great north run stuff monday and have looked through it. looked at the run map and the terrain i'll be running. there's a section that is almost 2 miles up hill. argh! slow gradient leading to the highest point but still.... 2 miles of it. why am i doing it?

anyway food....

porridge 150 cals
tuna salad 160 c
bread 100c
biscuit 80c
quorn and veg curry with bread 350 c
banana 80c
biscuit 80
crisps 80
bread 200
hot choc 40
biscuits 150

total cals....1470
p.s i've gone back to drinking americanos instead of lattes. think the milk is pushing me over the edge and i don't really get to taste the lovely flavours.
i've decided to use my last few shakes up. 1 a day. only have about 10 left. just might as well so that they don't go to waste. i really love the bars and it solves my choc addiction and helps me not to eat big bars. wish i could have them now.
think it's been a larger calorie day today. always seems that way when i've ran.

anyway.... exercise....

4.51 miles in just under 47 mins. thought i'd almost killed the dog off. she not as fit as she used to be and she couldn't keep up with me. she was lagging behind when she came on my run. was very worried about her. she's 7 years old too so not a pup. so 575 cals burnt too. yeah! 1 run left this week and that's a 60 min fartlek (interval run of 5 mins easy and 5 mins hard). miles so far this week is 19.51 miles. recon it'll be a 5.5 mile run tomorrow. next week's a killer :(


porridge 150c
shake 140
tuna sarnie 300
crisps 80
bisc 140
quorn sausage salad 350
ww dessert 150
crisps 80
banana 80
bread 250
hot choc x 2 80

total cals - 1800
exercise -575 cals

(therefore... 1225 cals eaten)
a reminder of the plan....

week 1 - done :D
1 x hard run 30 mins (so around 3 miles)
1 x steady 45 min run (so about 3.5 miles)
1 x hard - fartlek 40 mins - 5 mins easy then 5 mins hard (probably 4 miles)
1 x easy 2 hour run (probably 10 to 10.5 miles)
weeks total - 4 hours running - aprox 20 miles

week 2 - this week
1 x hard 45 mins (aprox 4 miles)
1 x steady 45 mins (3.5 miles) actual 4.51 miles and 47 mins
1 x hard fartlek 60 mins as before 5/5 (5.5 miles)
1 x easy 2 hours (10.5 miles)
weeks total - 4 1/2 hours running - aprox 23.5 miles

week 3 - next week
1 x hard 60 mins (5.5 miles)
1 x steady run 1h 30m (7 miles)
1 x boro 10k (sunday 5th sept) 6 miles
1 x easy run 2 hours (10 miles)
not sure week 3 is going to work as i can't see myself going out monday for a 2 hour run..... thinking of giving the 2 hour run a miss.....
weeks total - 5 1/2 hours running - aprox 28.5 miles

week 4
1 x hard 60 mins (5.5 miles)
1 x steady 1h45m (9 miles)
1 x easy run 60 mins (5.5 miles)
1 x fartlek 60 mins - 10/10 (6 miles)
weeks total - 4h 45m running - 26 miles

week 5
1 x 30 min bike ride
1 x 30 cross trainer
1 x 15 min steady run
1 x GREAT NORTH RUN - 13.1 miles can't wait!
couldn't mentally do the 60 min fartlek yesterday. did 48 mins running fartlek instead. 4.53 miles and 568 cals gone if i remember correctly.

today is a day of running rest! done house work instead. still haven't finished but dude needed a sleep so here i am on the computer.

had a great day doing my garden yesterday and have roughly finished. just need some bedding plants like primulas or primroses.... things that come back every year.

will post a few pics when i've worked out i can do it on this borrowed pc. my mac needs a new charger. it's going through chargers like no business. this one lasted 3 months. i need a new laptop though.

hungry now, craving tuna sarnie.
long sunday run was a wild, windy and wet one. managed 11.25 miles in 2 hours and 7 mins can't remember the cals exactly but it was just under 1500 i think. no more long sunday runs now til GNR. will be doing a 60 mins hard today and a steady 1hr 45min thursday. then boro 10k (6 miles) on sunday. not going to do the 2 hour leg stretching run on the sunday after the 6 mile one.

next week i've a heavy week too. week after nothing at all.
thinking of focusing on my eating until the GNR then start on a diet again after that. finding it so hard right now to think of anything but my running and my diet is getting ignored. which is not good.

cause i can't do CD i might try celebrity slim. they do it at the local chemist. will do a slightly higher plan. that or i just don't know what!!!!! feel that ww might not work now. just can't think.

mind you would think that with all the running i do i should be loosing but i think that i'm just too greedy at the min. i'd say the weight is around my tummy. i look flippen pregnant, honest, but i'm not.
food and exercise

porridge 150
bread 50
sausages 300 (500)
coffee 100
ww bar 80 (680)
apple 50
yog 100 (830)
nairns oat bisc 350 (1180)
salad and sausages 350 (1530)
yog 100
fruities 40
bread 100

total cals 1770

ran 4.25 miles in 42 mins 535 cals burnt.
is glad that tracey is out of the biggest looser!
food.... not quite sure if i'll get it all down. little miss piggie is in the house!

porridge 150
costa mini shortbread bis x 2 80
tuna sarnie 300 (running total 530 cals)
ww bar 80
ww crisps 100 (710)
black pepper quorn steaks and burgers 250
jamie dodger 50 (1010)
ww bar 80
bread 100 (1190)
quorn ham 100 (1290)
hot choc x 2 80 (1370)
yog 100
yog 80

total cals 1550
no exercise

long 1hr 30 min run tomorrow. hopefully it won't be too hot.
Nikki I need help... Not diet related for a change lol. I've written about it in my diary, any advice is appreciated please xx