No added sugar squash

I have just finished my last can on coke zero in the house, and have decided I need to kick the habit again (did really well then I went to the us), the best thing I have is a Britta water bottle, means I always have my water to hand, and If I go to a friends or something I can just ask to fill my bottle (and not worry about if they only have full sugar fizzy ect.)
If you are going to attempt to drink more water a nice solution to get over the blandness of it is to fill up a jug and just stick it in the fridge. You'd be surprised just how much easier it is to drink nice cold water than it is to drink luke warm tap water.

Try it ;)
apparently, I heard it on some TV program, drinking bottled water is playing havoc with children's teeth because it doesn't contain fluoride. How come everything has a drawback health wise?

This week I'm filling a 2litre pop bottle with NAS squash and drinking it throughout the day to make sure I'm drinking enough :)
We have a bottle of filtered tap water in the fridge, but I do like sparkling water as well. You can get it quite cheaply from the supermarkets. With a slice of fruit in it like Craig says, it's really nice.

Also I make a pot of fruit tea (there a re loads of flavours) and leave it to get cold. It's not that sweet, but I've got used to it and it's quite refreshing.
Hi all, long time no post lol.
Just reading the no added sugar posts. What about no added sugar barley squash such as robinsons barley water - doss this count or as it has barley in it it will be syns?