Total Solution No more yo yo-ing!

I've been signed off work with a kidney infection :(
Poor you. I suppose that will affect your training. Hope you are better soon. x

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10 stone 4.8 this morning - 0.1 kg lost thus week which isn't much.

Still feeling dreadful and no running this week - just off work and in bed :(
10 stone 4.8 this morning - 0.1 kg lost thus week which isn't much. Still feeling dreadful and no running this week - just off work and in bed :(

My doctor friend said when you're ill after the initial water loss / dehydration if it's a sickness bug your body hangs on to every single ounce of energy (calories) that it can to heal your body. Since yours wasn't a sickness bug I honestly don't think you could expect to lose anything much until you're better. So plenty of rest, lots of soup and stay snuggly warm. You'll be back to normal in no time :)
Get well soon x
Happy Valentine's Day everyone :)

Well I've had a very calorific breakfast / brunch of blueberry pancakes maple syrup cream and bacon and I've logged our dinner - we got a meal deal from marks and spencer.

I love mfp! It's my new favourite thing! I logged all the things we had bought to have, including wine and realised I would be over my allowance so I took off the wedges (I'll have salad with my steak instead) and I'm going to save pud for a different day when I haven't splurged on breakfast.

I don't feel like I'm denying myself at all and I'm
still losing weight :) just slowly which is fine by me :)
Have a lovely meal, you are being so sensible. I on the other hand am being a complete little piggy and will have undone all the loss I have had. I did spend an hour walking/climbing up a mountain so I suppose that will have helped. x

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Have a lovely evening :)
We had the M&S meal deal last valentines and throughly enjoyed it :)
Well.. I started with diarrhoea yesterday which is a side effect of these antibiotics. It got worse today so I'm off work and I've called the docs. He told me to stop taking the antibiotics and I should be ok again in a few days. It's nearly two weeks since I last ran now :(
Hope you are feeling better and thinking about getting your feet into those running shoes. Take care. x

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Oh my god! Weighed myself this morning. After two weeks of eating rubbish and not running I'm nearly 11 stone again :(

Going out for a run now. I will get back into the right zone with food I will!

Even if I have to turn to exante after the half marathon
Oh my god! Weighed myself this morning. After two weeks of eating rubbish and not running I'm nearly 11 stone again :( Going out for a run now. I will get back into the right zone with food I will! Even if I have to turn to exante after the half marathon

Don't fret lovely - if you're anything like me after 2 days being very good with food following crappy eating I lose 4lbs of rubbish water weight etc. so you're probably more like 10st 10 maybe less. I know it's not thrilling but it could be way worse ;-)
The weight will drop off once you start running again. x

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Thanks mere and blondcat - you're right, I know. Had a rubbish food day again today but managed 3 miles running..
You've been poorly and it's tough to control eating and exercise. Welldone on exercise. One step ( run ) at a time xxx

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Not quite as bad as I thought - 10 stone 9 this morning.. Still 9 pounds too much though!
Not quite as bad as I thought - 10 stone 9 this morning.. Still 9 pounds too much though!

That's still very good yoyo!
You have done so well to maintain for so long xx
Your running will get rid of that quickly :)