Step 1 Sole Source No stopping me this time


Silver Member
So here I am once again. Have done this more times than I care to remember and I am sick sick sick of failing each time.Granted some of the times weren't my fault because I got pregnant, but others I was just weak. So-this is going to be last time I ever have to do this.I remember how good it felt to lose weight last time.How good it felt to have to buy new trousers every month.How much better I felt when I'd lost 7 stone. Well I am imagining how good it'll feel to be 13 stone lighter!!I want to be able to wear dresses and skirts. To be able to kneel on the floor and get up again. To be able to turn over in bed without huffing and puffing.I don't remember how that feels. I'm feeling strong today.Determined. Hope it continues.
Well hey there ketosis. That was quick :)

How many days did it take? I find it varies depending on what food I've had ie how much carbs beforehand. I've been away for 6 days 4 of which were major food fests so I'm thinking it will take a few days to get back in the pink this time xx
It only took 2 days :) I'm lucky though and do always go into ketosis quickly.

That is good. I usually am by end of day 3 but have a feeling may be longer lol x
Hi all, hope everyone is good? and no annc2014 i stick to shakes too, i find it easier being strict and get less tempted :) to slim2012 i also have a potential wedding next year and its my brother so i am also determined to stay with it and hopefully for the first time in years and years be able to go shoppin and buy some clothes without altering or having to go to specialised plus size website to get it. I'm on week 2 and today i am deffo struggling i feel if i enter my kitchen i will chomp down on something lol so determined to stay away. When does everyone have their weigh-ins and how are you all coping?

on Sole Source
Week 1- 10lbs off
Week 2- 3lbs off
Week 3 and 4- 5lbs gained :( was tempted during bank holiday and caved in felt very disappointed
I started again and due to issues with my consultant i changed consultants
Back to week 1- 9lbs off
Week 2- 4lbs off
Total weight loss 21lbs :D very happy
is it 3 or 4 shakes, yes im very hungry today and feeling weak but im gonna stick to it this time as i did weigh 15.5 and now 12.12 and i done it on CD so im on day 3 and hoping to loose 7lbs this week here is hoping :)
awww wow congratulations for all that loss and yep stay strong after day 3 it gets easier and you will certainly lose more :) I have 3 shakes but that's on sole source you can have 4 shakes on sole source plus i think but i am not entirely sure, best thing to do is text or email your consultant to clarify.
Brrr freezing this evening despite the beautiful sunshine :) And smiling cos it's a good sign :)

It's a great feeling ! Hope I'm as lucky as you getting into Ketosis so quick.
I'm also a re starter not set a ultimate goal yet but 16.13 start and would like to be in the 13's by Xmas ?
it's great you have a wedding to aim for next year, you can be a different person by then.
Good luck I will be dropping by to see how your getting on x x