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Hi All

I started the Cambridge diet on 15th April and after speaking with my CDC on the telephone have come away rather dis-heartened.
I am not sure if it was because I referenced the LL diet which I had done prior to this, but she literally snapped back that, 'this is not the LL diet, I am not a trained counsellor and you know what I think of their CT, so I can't really advise you, you just have to put this into perspective, it is only a diet it is only food':eek:

To say I am at the end of my tether after less that one week is an understatement, but to receive such a negative and cold response has made me really annoyed. I thought that I would have been at least a little empathetic, given I am less than 1 week into this and basically giving her my money.... I have now decided that I will just use her as a 'Supplier' and buy my packs and go each week....:sigh:
I will just reply to myself...

You have been on and off these food replacement diets for as long as I can remember. Why can you not get your head in the right place? Why do you get angry with people around you when it was YOU that made the decision to put food in your mouth, get fat and come full circle? Are you now addicted to these diets? because as you know this cannot continue, you HAVE to get your head in the right place and stop bingeing then starving. This is not a lifestyle. Maybe this new CDC is taking a different approach to it and can see your negativity as your failing and that by being so negative, you are setting yourself up for fall. Maybe her approach and words were not gentle or fraught with sensitivity like you are used to, but she is basically telling you to take it easy and not to put so much empathise on this as the be all and end all. Life is too short and you know that. You are not a 'Spring Chicken' any more so you have to live a little. Who are you really trying to impress? What kind of person do you really want to be? A sad person supping on shakes then bingeing and coming back full circle or a happy person who CAN enjoy herself once in a while and know when to stop. Yes put things into perspective, it is not the be all and end all of the world, but you KNOW you can do it, however it is up to you if you want to continue wasting your money, talking the talk and then eating then becoming the 'Returner' or conquering your demons once and for all and realising that once you get to your goal weight. Yes you can and will fluctuate in weight but you have the power and the knowledge to get back on track on YOUR OWN without haveing to throw money at the situation...

Love you x
What a brilliant post :)