No way - 10lbs

Well done!
Well done hun, that's fantastic! xxx
oh wow thats amazing well done! i hope i loose that much on my first week doing green and red days x

Thanks for all of the messages of support, i too cant belive it .

I have done SW twice int he past and never lost that much so not sure if it is a fluke, cause i have a bit of a cold or if it is EE as i havent done this plan before.

I dont go to WI at SW club as i have found the meetings to be uninspirational and boring..i cant make them all of the time so i feel for the amount of money i am spending to attend that could pay for some nice food on plan.

As you have mentioned the loss will be a lot less if any after this weeks performance but i know with the amount i need to loose it will be a slow process so one day at a time and hopefully fingers crossed i will get there

Good luck to you all
Well Done, thats fab!
so please for you you could you post some meals that you have had, as I am restarting EE just to get ideas. I have lost 2 lb but have not been very good, 100% from tomorrow
Thats FANTASTIC well done :D:D xx
Really well done remember when you lose smaller amounts 1lb a a week adds up to 52lbs in a year that is 3 stone 5lbs so just keepcount of your syns
good optimising
Great start x
Wow I want that scale reading lol well dine keep it up hun x