(O/T) Tell me happy things please

I got a new nephew last week, he is beautiful. Makes me very happy.
It's nearly 5pm, so hopefully it will be time for you to go home and forget about your bad day (that's if you are at work of course!).
Hope the rest of the day picks up for you. xx.
You have lost 34lb hun- well done. Hope you feel happier soon x.
Sue -unfortunately the 5 pm thing doesn't work cos I start work at 5 and I finish at 10pm.
After 8 is fine but from 5 to 8 is going to drive me nuts.
Most of the time it is fine but today I just don't want to be here.
I wore my new wellies to work today which are bright pink with a babycham deer on it with rainbows because it was meant to rain today, but it hasn't rained yet and everyone is looking at me really funny. (I work in an office so black trousers and cardigan style look matched with pink wellies). If you saw me you'd laugh!
I'm off to the Royal Opera House tonight at the cheapest imaginable seats - £7, we are in the ampitheatre but will get a good view.
Its cheaper than usual (normally pay from £10- 25) as its 2 short pieces.
You are doing a blooming good job and should be very proud of yourself.

My cat has just pinched my new fluffy dressing gown and is now laying on it growling at me every time i try to take ownership hehe.

Hope you are smiling soon xx
weel its gone 8! so hopefully thing are on the up... something happy.... hmmmm??? well as of about 5 minutes ago ive decided to pull up my socks stop feeling sorry for myself stop slipping up n hopefully lose as much as u have!
I just want to say thank you so much for all those happy thoughts. They helped bring a smile to my face what with pink wellies and cats on dressing gowns :)
Classes finished at 10pm and I didn't throw a single student off the balcony - so the day ended a success and I am sure tomorrow I will be back to being myself.
I really appreciated everyone's help - thanks
Glad to hear that you got through the day - no need for me to sing you my favourite aria (I'm tone deaf, so it would be quite amusing!) x
Hey Alex Ice, you feeling better today? Need anymore comments to cheer you up?

In case you were wondering, I didn't get caught in any of the rain... for once a little upset about this! It is supposed to rain at some point today so once again, I am wearing my boots. Hopefully they will be introduced to the rain (they're new).... My boss said to me with a shameful face "You know we work in Mayfair... people don't wear stuff like that here..." Ahahhaa.

Witchy- did you manage to get your dressing gown back?

Blingbabe- How was the Opera?

By bedtime I managed to get my dressing gown back so I gave up, tonight its mine hehe, think I will get him a big fur cushion for Christmas he is so lazy bless him.
Alli - you stick to your wellies! :) Wellies are good for the rain. I think perhaps we had the rain here that should have gone to UK. It poured all day yesterday and there was a huge storm during the night. Today things are much brighter and so am I. I have even been swimming and already drunk 1.5 litres of water and have another 1.5 litre bottle sitting beside me.
Bling - hope your opera was good!
Witchy - glad you got your dressing gown back.

Actually I think I will put a nice dressing gown on my list of things to buy when I become slim!

Hugs to all :) Happy and bouncing today. Roll on Thursday's weigh in!
Bouncing is good, glad you in the happy zone x
lol Thanks Witchy - not bouncing quite as much today as only lost 2lbs but still happy and telling myself that next week my loss will be bigger. Meanwhile - tomorrow is Friday - an easy day then it's the weekend :)
2Ib is a great loss so keep bouncing xx
Glad you're feeling better, AlexIce.

You know, it's funny, my cat lurrves my white dressing gown. The moment I put it on, she won't leave me alone until she's clambered up into my arms and had a snuggle. Really weird, cos she doesn't do that when I'm wearing other clothes... :D
Do you have anything else that's all white? I wonder if it's the colour or the texture.
Perhaps her mum was a white cat?