O/T who's watching BB tonight?

ooo i LOVE halfwit!

I cannot imagine why. I hate all of his hippie BS and smug, patronising manner. I hate his awful beard-stroking "wisdom" and his two-faced whispering campaigns against people. Don't get me started on his "singing". And the way he thinks that doing "sympathetic eyebrows" and watery smiles at everyone will make him seem harmless. The bloke is a fake... Look how irritated and rude he got when people didn't do everything his way during the singing. Ugh.

So, yeah, um, he isn't my bag. ;)
Haha :D i gathered :D LOL
Right thats it, I have had enough of Noirin.... and her a fellow Irishwoman too. She is letting us down. :rolleyes:
She is turning into a right slapper isnt she. lol. Did you hear her tonight when they were out in the garden.... "dont touch my hair.. Jesus"...... and when someone said she looks like the First Lady, she said "yeah I know". How conceited is she.?
She is constantly around Marcus.... I was watching tonight.... the only woman she even sits near is Lisa... any other time its beside Marcus...
and he is now becoming very stalker ish around her now, which is a shame cos he is my favourite now, he is so outspoken but in a fair way.
God I have to remember not to get so involved, lol
LOL i haven't watched tonight's yet but will do in the morning. Sounds interesting! :D

And don't worry - i get involved too... al calls me a saddo, but i don't care :eek: :p LOL
Hi fellow BB fans....

I was out all day yesterday so I have to catch up with what is happening, but I have to agree about Noiron she is very opininated and bossy now - I'm wondering if Lisa's influenece isn't doing this as she seems to have changed her character completely, I am disliking Lisa the more I see of her, she loads the bullets - someone fires the gun and then she sits smugly at the 'bus stop' and watches it all 'kick off', I think she and Sree should go next.....
Why has Lisa shaved all her hair off? She has worn a woolly hat ever since so why do it.......

I'd like to see Lisa and Sree up for eviction this week, I hope they give Halfwit a break for once.
I'd like noirin and sree to be up for eviction and noirin to go - just to see marcus' face :D LOL
Oh dear he would be miserable without Noirin to drool over.

What's happening between the two love birds - has the bubble burst!!! Sophie seemed really upset about it.

I am beginning to love Karly - she is so down to earth and say's exactly what she likes, I am liking Siarvash more and more too, he is like the peacemaker in the house.
i really like siavash and karly too :D i don't really like kris or sophie - they're so boring!

charlie and halfwit would be an interesting couple :D hehehe
Lisa and Sree up for eviction please, and then Sree to go. I think it would shock that scheming minx to the core and serve Sree right! Let's hope they give poor old halfwit a break this week. I know he's an odd ball, but I do have a soft spot for him.:giggle:

I understand what you're saying about Noirin but if I was her not only would I have told Sree to get off my hair i'd have punched him in the nose. He's horrible, she has had enough of his letching. He's vulgar and makes my skin crawl. He has illusions of grandure, is very argumentitive and brings up the most ridiculous things where not appropriate. eg. "I don't care if you come from Oxford and are dyslexic" during an argument about the fact he was using a RIDICULOUS amount of garlic when cooking. I mean WTF Halfwit was raising a valid point and had given up his chocolate for the garlic so he was clearly in the right. I was annoyed at the rest of them for not sticking up for him though. And what about the bacon sandwich incident and the way he bosses Rodrigo about....

Oh dear will get off my soap box now. - LOL!
Just to recap.... I don't like him.... Not sure if you got that vibe... can't wait for him to be out.

*Heeebie Jeeebies!!!
More positive post.
I really like Siavash, Charley, Rodrigo, Karly.
Don't mind DogFace and Kris.
i think sree's really funny now he's stopped his stalker-ish behaviour :D i was wetting myself with the garlic incident last night! haha

noirin's true colours have come out now - and not just with sree - even marcus pulled her up on it the other night and that's saying something!
According to the Sun today it's Halfwit (again) and Sree up for eviction this friday - to be comfirmed on BBLB's this evening.

Poor Freddie is in the hot seat again 4th week in a row...

Who do you think will go?

I am going to say Sree, because I think Halfwit is better liked by the viewing public, plus it will serve them all (housemates) right if Halfwit is saved again....
I may actually pick up the phone a few times to get the vulgar Sree out of the house.

How funny are BB ending last nights program with DogFace's flatulance and Carly's face. I bet she'll be mortified when she gets out. lol!!!
Hi girlies, thought i'd join in on the bb chat, i haven't watched as much as i would have wanted latley but i think halfwit is going to be one of those people that are up for eviction every week then will prob win!! I can't go sree he is creepy, i hope he is evicted on friday, i mean what was that all about with the bacon sandwiches, i'm sure he knew fine well that it had to be cooked!!!

So how are we all liking this year, i am finding it harder to get into xxx
I have to say that Marcus is my fave because he is so outspoken but everything he says is true.
BUT, the way he is with Noirin now is turning my stomach, have you SEEN the way he looks at her, and the way he goes through her make up bag etc. We all thought Sree was a stalker but oh my God that is even worse.....
and I have noticed that at the start Noirin was very reserved and dressed really nice, but now she knows the boys like her the most, shes dressing like a tart. lol
And yes i feel sorry for dog face also, that Kris is a pig. He told Charlie that he wasnt so 'into' her because of all the other girls out there he could have.... and did you hear him to halfwit about the dishes... "get in there and do those dishes"... I was mad when halfwit just went "ok".... why couldnt halfwit have said "dont speak to me like that, or I will do them when Im ready and not when you tell me too. I suppose he is just desperate not to be up again this week. I hate Kris actually... I would love him to go. He has not done or said anything remotely interesting since being in there. I reckon the whole Sophie thing was just a plan, to keep him in for a big romance. Oh God I will stop waffling now. lol
Aghr!!! Kris is really annoying me too Debby! Up until a couple of days ago i thought he was just a bit 'blah' and boring. But it turns out he's just plain MEAN! Poor halfwit - i really wanted him to get a bit of backbone and tell him where to go... grrrrr

Even when halfwit's angry he still makes me laugh - like the incident when they were mean to him about the tokens in excahnge for alcohol last night... he said to siavash "siavash! why do you do things like this to me?! this sort of thing brings out EXACTLY the side of me that people don't like!" as if it's siavash's fault that halfwit even HAS this side of him! LOL

I think sree's getting funnier, and i quite like him. I think he might stay because people feel sorry for him... last night they were all so HORRIBLE to him! I felt like slapping them all, especially marcus and noirin. If marcus has got any sense at all he'll keep away from noirin now. She's such a nasty piece of work.

I'd like halfwit to stay as i prefer him out of the two, but i'd love to see marcus' and noirin's faces if sree were to stay :D hehehe
And although i quite like karly, is it getting on anyone else's nerves that she refuses to say 'th'... it's everyTHing, not everyHing!!!! RAARRRR :eek:
I have never liked Kris and Charlie (although I do prefer Charlie to Kris) I have never liked the nasty 'practical' jokes they inflict on the over housemates....

I also did'nt like the way Kris treated Sophie the other day, there was no need to totally ignore her.

Noirin is spending to much time with Lisa now and is becoming nastier by the day, if she is not careful the housemates will turn against her and start nominating her next.

I am liking Karly and Sriavash more each day.