Oh God people, i need help, get me back on tracke PLEEEEz!!

Tracie Green

Silver Member
Hi everyone,

i have had a RUBBISH weekend of eating, i dont want to say what ive had, im tooo ashamed but feel myself sliding back!! ive onlyput a pound on this week unbelivably!! but motivation is running a little low:(
i have done exactly the same what i have done is got to today and just drawn a loine under it hon forget it don't get down by it i'm not a pound ids a pound if you have a good week you could lose that pound and three more XXXXXX i was v naughty i had a kebab tut tut tut
Hi... well I am sorry to hear that you have slipped and I have to say... that is ok.. you are human!!

You have to try and get in that positive mind and set yourself a goal each week. Don't do it so that it is totally unreaslitic and also at the end of each evening if you have been good.. a treat.. no not a food treat... how about something for you... a film... paint your nails... relaxation or meditation tape.

If you feel you are really slipping then I can give you my msn addy as I am on most of the time and you can talk it over with me and I will try and give you some really positive feedback or just be there for you to talk to if it will stop you slipping?

You can do this... yes YOU CAN!
Hi Tracie dont fret,your starting weight is my goal!Im a lot older than you and would look like an old witch if i lost too much!Read your sw books,your old food diaries,find one where you had a good loss and do it again,its only food!find free/synned alternatives.remember there is NOTHING you cant eat on slimming world(well maybe not a double decker bus,a hippo,a bowling ball.....!!!!!!)lol x
ah thanks guys x x and treats my hotmail is [email protected] that would be great thankyou x x x ive done my food diary for the week (begrudgingly) but am really gonna try, i always get like this around week 7/8 which is where i am now : ( must stay foccused!!
Hi Tracie you are doing so good and everyone has a slip now and then if we didn't we wouldn't be human. The main thing is that you realise that you've slipped (hopefully you enjoyed it:D)and know what you need to do. Is there any particular reason that you don't feel motivated at the moment? Is there anything I or anyone else can help with?
If there is just shout:)

i just want PIZZA!!!!!!! : ( i just really miss fast food, its bad isnt it!! i suppose i maybe feel like im depriving myself?????? i dont know? feel a bit hard done by while my hubby eats whtat he likes and im eating salad or whatever. its the eight week itch!!!
ah thanx luv, i will be online tonight, i have to end my lunch now |: ( speak soon, ill try and be good til then!! lol x
I had pizza a couple of weeks ago. One of the Dr Oekter (sp?) mushroom one. 42syns but worth it. Sometimes its just best to have it, get it out of your system and move on.
qwholemeal pitta bread 7 syns cheese health extra and pasata i know it's not pizza hut hon but when i get that craving thats what i have XXX
What about a smash "pizza" on a green day??
Mound smash on baking tray, form into flat circle, add mushrooms, peppers, anything that is free on a green day and top with an allowance of cheese.
Bake in oven....I havent tried this yet, but I plan to for my tea tomorrow.


Just think, pizza is nice, but you will only beat yourself up afterwards for not sticking to the diet! Just think of the grease!!

What about a smash "pizza" on a green day??
Mound smash on baking tray, form into flat circle, add mushrooms, peppers, anything that is free on a green day and top with an allowance of cheese.
Bake in oven....I havent tried this yet, but I plan to for my tea tomorrow.


Just think, pizza is nice, but you will only beat yourself up afterwards for not sticking to the diet! Just think of the grease!!

hi i have tried this and its quite scrummy,hope you enjoy it to:)
Hi Tracie...can totally relate...i been feeling same recently. Your doing really well so far, keep with it!

Smash pizza sounds nice i may try it with quorn pieces and mushrooms...yum!
oo that sounds good, i should try that!! maybe that will curb my cravings!!lol x Feel a lot better today and much more positive, i think ive got away with the blip as have lost a pound today! yay! but im back on track, went to the gym last night, must carry onx x thanx for all your kind words people, your really encouraging!
Hi hun, you've done sooo well.

Why not give yourself a boost by throwing / giving away all your fat clothes, or treating yourself to something nice in the next size down.

Keep focused, you can do it.

Oh and on the smash pizza - bake it on it's own (both sides) first before you put toppings on it. xxx
oo that sounds good, i should try that!! maybe that will curb my cravings!!lol x Feel a lot better today and much more positive, i think ive got away with the blip as have lost a pound today! yay! but im back on track, went to the gym last night, must carry onx x thanx for all your kind words people, your really encouraging!

I am really pleased you are feeling better today... see you CAN do it.. but still there if you ever want to chat ok....

Take care and keep smiling!