Oh no, its the weekend


Full Member
Oh dear, its the weekend. So far i've managed to stick to this diet rigidly at the weekends, but i find it sooooo hard because the rest of the week i'm in a routine. During the week i'm fine, no hunger, love this diet as it suits my working hours etc, I walk 45 mins every day. Any tips on how to handle the cravings at the weekend?
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Hiya, try to stick to a routine with the diet. Planning is key to success. Drink plenty of water as dull as it is and stay busy. Treat it like any of day not like an occasion if that makes sense. You can do it, good luck. X
Doing good so far, went shopping, cleaned house and its almost time for lunch shake. Need to lose 1lb more by Monday to hit my first stone target so i'm being very good! :)
Just keep busy and active, I find my biggest problem when i'm not working is boredom, it's so easy to sit in front of the TV and reach for a bag of crisps on a weekend after a busy week at work, but just go out for a walk, go see a movie, take up knitting (i've actually done this everyone I know is getting a scarf for christmas but it keeps my hands busy not going in search of junk food)

Just anything as long as your not sat still bored!
Yeah its the boredom that gets me too, but i'm so determined to lose the weigh this time that I,m getting good at giving myself a row if i reach for something bad! Just done a 30 minute workout dvd so that kept me busy for a bit! xx