oh no!

Enjoy....I got a lovely silver locket from my boys xx
eat, enjoy and start fresh tomorrow :17729:.
dh took me to buy some charms for my bracelet - every week I lose I get a charm or 2 but today was a bonus :heartpump:
My OH is really good about that and he tries to avoid giving me any sweets as he knows I'm working really hard to lose the weight. Let him finish the bottom layer....you've had your share already :ignore:
i just ate them in the long run it doesnt really matter! lol and to everyone who didnt get a pressie it took me 4 years of complaining every valentines day before i got one! lol
I've been with my hubby for 9 years (married for 2) and we don't do Valentine's Day! We got each other a card last year because it was our first married one, but didn't bother this year.

I bought him some Creme Eggs when I went to the shop and he fed me some Ben & Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew as dessert!
My OH got me 3 new charms for my bracelet :) im so lucky!!:love:

He wouldnt dare get me chocolates! I made brownies last week and shaped them into hearts, he let me have one of those and hid the rest whilst i wasnt there lol.

I also ate 10 jelly beans

It's our 2 year anniversary on the 23rd Feb so the charms were a joint present, he's taking me to dinner and a hotel :candledinner: rather than buying me sweeties lol

I got a scrumptious chocolate cake (Sainsburys) from my granddaughter, Valentines day is my birthday, and her being 4yrs old, she told her mum that everyone should have a birthday cake, I have been very good and had a sliver yesterday and today, hopefully it will have been hidden, frozen or eaten by the rest of my family before tomorrow. Fortunately they couldn't afford candles or the house would have gone up in flames :8855: