Step 1 Sole Source + Oh no :(


I am day five today still felt hungry headachy ect had stomach cramps felt sick ect. I ate some grilled chicken, salad and a teaspoon of cottage cheese! I'm so annoyed that I caved in! :(

I just wanted to say hello because I was exactly where you are last Thursday!

I felt sick, dizzy, I had a headache, the shakes & I kept bursting in to tears & generally just feeling like there was no way it could be worth it!

However I stuck it out as best I could, I did have either a small amount of Tuna or a small piece of chicken each evening last week but other then that just shakes & soups.

I decided to treat my first week as a bit of a practise! It's such a massive shock to the system & I think if I hadn't had just those small extra bits I'd have chucked the whole diet in!

I weighed in today & even with my extra chicken / tuna I lost 8lbs in my first week!!!!

I also feel 100% back to normal, I don't feel unwell at all, that's completely passed! If anything I feel better than before I started. I'm not at all hungry & I even enjoy the soups & some of the shakes!

I still had a mad urge to launch myself across the table & stick my entire face in my finances dinner tonight! But again I resisted..... Just.

Sorry for the long post but I thought it might be helpful!

Don't beat yourself up about having a small meal today! You can't undo it so just look to tomorrow.

Thank you just feel like everyone on here has amazing will power and all my family and friends think that it's sooo easy they think it's like a normal diet I've never felt this bad on any diet but I can see a difference in my scales at home! It's hard but I know it's worth it. I have only had one porridge today so hoping it will even itself out
I am lucky because my colleagues & fiancé are being exceptionally supportive.

I think I'd be tempted to hit someone if they insinuated it was easy!!!! I'd say its one of the most difficult things I've ever done but I fully intend to stick it out!!

I couldn't eat the porridge, I couldn't get on with the taste at all!!

I adore the mint choc chip shakes& the oriental chilli & spicy tomato soups!

Just try to take it one day at a time! That's how I'm treating it!

Good luck!!
Don't beat yourself up, Claire. Think of it as having an SS+ day instead, because the things you ate were hardly unhealthy. A lot of people "fall off the wagon" and go all out - crisps, chocolate, rich cheeses, mountains of bread - you've just had a minor blip. Chicken, salad and cottage cheese are all allowed on SS+ so don't worry about it: today is a new day.

As for the family members who insinuate that it's easy: why not invite them to try it for a week? ;)
Definitely nothing to be disappointed least you made good choices and had a SS+ day instead of going all out xx
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Thank you the funniest part is my mum and sister are both preaching to me yet they don't want to start until they have had our holiday I on the other hand want to look good for my holiday! It's all in the mind!
I have about 3 weeks. I've been on for a week now and have first weigh in tomorrow I think I've lost about 9-10lbs!! So scared/nervous/excited
Good luck with your weigh in! I think by doing a little before the holiday you're on the right lines, because you can lose so much in that time and you'll be really disciplined to do it when you get back.