ok here goes!...

So I guess I should start by telling you my story.
I joined slimming world just before Christmas and up until May I had manged to keep off 1stone 7lbs. But now a month on a lot of change has happened to me and the weight doesn't want to go anywhere but up!

I have always been a big girl (or I was always under my own impression that I was a bit of a hippo) but up until a year ago I was the biggest I had ever been weighing nearly up to 14stone. Only standing at 5ft 2inches I didn't need the doctors to tell me I was clearly super overweight. I was devastated I had let myself get that big and it wasnt until I text my best friend when I had passed my driving test that I decided to do something about it. She text me back just saying "congratulations, I knew you could do it coz when you set your mind to it, you always accomplish your dream" and she's right. I had done this with driving and also on some parts of my career, so why would my weight issue be any different? For some reason I had never thought it was going to be achievable and would look at old pictures of myself and wish I was as small I was before. So this is it, my turn to put myself forward and really concentrate. Over the last 6 months I've found times very difficult to focus and it was just after I got back new York I wanted to see if I could achieve losing weight without going to the classes. I'm hoping that using this website I can get the support that I will definitely need, and reading responses from others on people's progress has made be so brutally honest with this in order for me to achieve my goals. Welcome to my adventure!​
Walked from waterloo to work -a bout 20mins nice exercise. Managed to cover all the London tourists spots: Big Ben, House of Parliament, London eye, The Shard, National Portrait Gallery and China Town! I have just moved from North London to St Margaret's in Twickenham and today I am moving departments at work. Soo much change to happen on one day it honestly felt like I had just moved up here. ( i first moved to london 3 years ago- since then i have put on 2 stone) but this has let me slip in with my diet. As having nothing in our house in its rightful place it's been impossible to have some kind of normal routine and before you know it you're hungry and BAM you've gone and eaten a croissant saying bye to 9 of my syns already!

Tonight I will be going to Body Attack Class with my friend at the gym. Its become our weekly thing we do- helps so much having someone who is relying on you to be there which always makes go to the class even when I really don't want to go, but the thought of letting her down is worse so I must attend!

how is everybody else doing today? - any suggestions on when to eat, before or after the gym? I always struggle on this one

thank you!
Hey blahBlah, good luck with your SW journey! I would have a banana and/or an Alpen Light (1/2 HEXB) before the gym, to give you some energy! Afterwards maybe have a jacket potato with baked beans and a big salad for dinner?
ahh thanks for the tip! sounds perfect I will have some fruit before and then have my main meal after! jacket potato sounds yum!! I might just eat this tonight! x