Old habits!


Silver Member
Grrrrr.... I have completely fell back into old habits this past couple of weeks and yes I want them to be old habits not current ones!

so.... what old habits do you want to stop??

here are mine...

eating in the car

picking, sometimes not even realising that I have.

'treating' myself with food
Hi Angela

At present I am doing CD 100% so there is no evidence of any bad habits.
But I do now what I have been guilty of in the past, which has lead to overeating.
Eating for comfort and eating because I am bored.
I really do need to find ways to permanently stop these habits or I will always have a weight problem.
my worst habit is procrastination - why oh why do i never think anything has a sense of urgency? lol

too many years as a student me thinks :)
Treating myself with food is a big one for me. I blame my parents.

Other bad habits include picking at food when preparing meals. I have been known to have a slice of bread of butter BEFORE eating my dinner. That has to stop.

Huge portions. I should not be eating the same as my husband.

Snacks on a Saturday night. I don't snack any other time - I am good and have three meals a day - but on a Saturday I can sit and eat a huge bag of crisps and some sweets as well as my dinner. All in front of the telly and washed down with high calorie fizzy drinks. That is stopping too.