Old hip and thigh diet -v- new

Hi all

I haven't posted much on this site, but I was wondering what everyone thought of RC's old hip and thigh diet as opposed to the new H & T diet. I have tried her new H & T several times, but after a couple of days I just get bad wind pains and just give up, I am assuming its the high fibre in the diet and it just does not suite me, but I do not know whether the old diet is a bit old fashioned and I should stick to something a bit more in dated. :sigh:
What were you eating on the diet? Or have you got a couple of example days from each to compare? i don't find the diet high fibre at all, although I guess it depends on what you choose to eat whilst on it.

The newer diet is designed with newer science and knowledge in mind so it's probably the more ideal one to follow but only if you're comfortable on it. To be honest I've read but the GI Hip and Thigh and the GI jeans diets and they're no different really. It all comes down to 3 meals a day using healthy ingredients where the main food is vegetables or salad, and then a couple of healthy snacks usually of fruit plus plenty of water and the right amount of milk.
I agree (as usual) with Sarah.

The G.I. diet is designed originally for diabetics so they don't get the 'sugar rush' some food produced. The more wholesome a food is the better as it keeps you fuller for longer. i.e. bread with wholegrains i.e. granary is better the white or brown. The more processed the food, the higher GI it is.

I've done both diets and did well on both, but if you're finding the old diet isn't working, give the GI diet a try.

Good luck