Omg help please!!!!!!


I am on the 1st phase of atkins, I bought some atkins chocolate brownie advantage bars, now on the front it says 3.1 net carbs but on the back it says 15' I feel like crying and dare not eat anymore today as I am only allowed 20 a day. How can they do this to me.
Only newbie myself, but reading other posts drinking lots of water helps. Going shopping later I will look at bars!!!! Mite have better advice then. Just keep going I am sure everyone has a blip.x
Hi, you just count net carbs(total carb minus fibre) the number on the front. You are fine with that :)
The Atkins bars aren't really a good idea to have every day - the high carb number listed are sugar alcohols which don't bring you out of ketosis but can (and do) seem to stall most people. Try and keep them for only now and then if you can.
Also note that with all normal English products you don't subtract the fibre - that's only for American labels.
Atkins was the end of all dieting fads for me - bloody hated it, thought it nearly killed me, i stank too!! Healthy eatings my bag now.....hope you can keep it up cause the results are amazing!! But still, not something long-term for me....xx
I agree with Moonlights, the bars are ok but not for everyday. Im not sure if the shakes are ok for every day use either, but ive just bought a tub of the mix just for those days when i just dont have time to cook some bacon and eggs in the morning, or fancy it!

The ready made shakes were a life saver for me, today i had gone out and had forgot to have breakfast or lunch (ketosis is great for killing your appetite) but thankfully i was in asdas and they had a chocolate atkins shake so i had that and also one of them cooked chicken thighs. I bought a nice juicy steak for dinner tonight but im just not hungry, so it will have to wait until tomorrow!
The shakes afaik don't have polyols in and don't seem to stall people.
Okay I will have maybe one every 3 days, I didnt really want to eat it for breakfast because I didn't feel hungry but I forced it down, I'll have eggs tomorrow. I have no appetite really and am struggling to eat anything at all. X
Ah, sounds like you will make yourself ill before you get slim! To do Atkins properly you need to be eating well and drinking around 3 litres of water a day and having vitamin supplements.
Erm I didn't say I wasn't drinking well or not taking vitamins! I just said I'd had an Atkins bar!
Atkins is not a fad diet. Not entirely sure why it's being brought up here, but it isn't, and it is highly unlikely to "nearly kill" anyone. Plus, having read a lot around the subject, I'm pretty convinced that Atkins, or something very like it, is "healthy eating", and all this bilge about healthy grains and piles of fruit every day is misguided and harmful, and will be proven so in the end.

Sorry to hijack your thread, Miley, but I just wanted to say that. As for the bars, they can be very useful on occasion but do watch to see if they stall you or upset your tummy.
Have to agree with boggins on the being healthy eating, especially if you read about long term management rates and about anything from the Paleo camp. Lots of fresh meat and healthy fat with veg and a little fruit and minimal treats!

The bars I use as I deterrent. I have had one in the fridge since day one of induction. If it's there I don't need to eat it, but I know I can if I need it! lol.

Very much a lifestyle involved with cooking fresh foods and avoiding the packet stuff and you'll probably find you don't need to eat breakfast in ketosis. I find a few strawberries is a quick food!