
Gold Member
THATS ME FALLING OFF WAGON i could cry i must have eaten 100 units today why because I am bored and on my own cant go out anywhere as my dog is sick so i sat and stuffed my face all day and I was doing so well oh well will dust self off and carry on tomorrow :mad::(:mad::sigh::cry::wave_cry: all emotional poor me lol x
Dont be sad it happens to all of us!! Try not to worry and just put it behind you. Tomorrow is a lovely fresh new day.
I've had too many units as i've just eaten some choccie biscuits. Gonna have a no unit day tomorrow and a low unit day after that to make up for it.
c'mon girl - your down but not out. Start again tomorrow and kick unit butt!!!
Oh Katie :hug99: big hug just for you!
Dont beat yourself up over it... :(
Good luck for tomorrow!
Hugs to you and your poor dog. We all get into that eating mode sometimes, what's done is done and it just means the diet will take another couple of days, no big deal.
Tomorrow is a new day so just try and forget about the awful day you've had today. And hope your dog recovers quickly
Irene xx
Thankyou all for encouragement I will get straight back to it tomorrow though wish I did not have to have chinese tomorrow night. My puppy has broken leg so supposed to be resting him which is making him miserable poor little man, he is also being neutered at weekend my poor baby:cry:
Your poor pup, he is in the wars. They recover quickly when young but it is difficult to keep them quiet in the meantime.