Own brands


Silver Member
Does anyone else check the own brands of biscuits, snacks, anything really and find that very often they are as low if not lower than ww or healthy option type things/
Does anyone else check the own brands of biscuits, snacks, anything really and find that very often they are as low if not lower than ww or healthy option type things/

I do.. Takes me ages to do a proper shop as I find there are less calories fat and sugars in the cheap basic brands, plus I scan everything before hand... X
Its definetly worth a look as most things I have compared are lower in pp than ww. Obviously you have to allow for personal taste preference but......
1 thing I've found are Aldi's cheese curls, they are like quavers, much nicer and only 67 cals a pack also only 79p give or take for a pack of 10 I love them! x