Partner not helping

He's always been big since being 16.
I haven't. I was always thin and this now is the biggest I've ever been.
When we met I was working in his local pub.
I did used to get a lot if attention from the men I was serving (some being 70 and toothless mind lol) and I had a lot of male friends, now I've put my weight on I've gone more shy and changed my attitude conpletely.
Maybe he's just worried he might lose me if I lose my weight.
Then again if he doesn't change soon that's going to happen anyways x

my other half is great most of the time but its me that does all the cooking and on the odd occasion where i am tired and really dont feeln like cooking rather than him offering to cook something he always says, lets just get a take away. he plants the seed as we say because if you say no that thought is still in your head and you end up craving it. hes trying to loose weight too but hes a gannet i tell you. hes constantly eating. ive bought healthy treats with low points in them & he goes and eats them all & when i reallky fancy one theres none left. i suppose in some senses its a good thing because it means i cant eat it.

he was really surprised when i got WI & he has lost weight now too. he he. im forcing WW on him because i do the cooking
I think communication needs to be sought here... you need to tell him exactly what you told us. Its obviously getting to the point where its a strain on the relationship. Obviously living with other people you're always gonna have to accomodate (especially when they're not on a diet) but they also have to accomodate for you, by being a little less selfish...

This is the one reason why I'm single at the moment :p