Green Days pasta overload


Full Member
Oh dear!!!

I had some pesto pasta for lunch (on holiday this week) and by tea time i'd forgotten, and made myself some Pasta 'n' Sauce!

I think i'm gonna explode!!

I do find that i'm eating an awful lot of pasta these days but this is the first time i've felt so bloated!!!

Any de-bloating remedies?
I've found so far (been doin his for about a month, and loving it) that if I have a red day it kind of mucks up my whole day! I'm just not sure what to eat (even though I know fine - i keep up to date reading posts etc, and know my wee book inside out!) but every time I try to have a red day I seem to trip over myself! Not to worry!!

Water it is (I just found some 3 mint tea too so gonna have some of that).

Thank you all for your replies!!
I find red days difficult too. I feel I can eat loads on a Green or EE day. Especially when your looking for something quick mug shots are a life saver. I don't think red days give you this flexibility.

I do tend to try and drink plenty though as the day goes.
i find red days so much easier! i can never work out what to eat for lunch on green days! i have salad most days and just can't imagine salad without ham/turkey/fish!

i suffer with bloating, but i've found actimel (fat free 1.5 syns) or Actival (fat free - free!!) help.
Thank you again for all your replies! I usually give myself 2 small handfuls of pasta, not sure what that weight is though. I admit I don't tend to chew my food properly, so that might be another thing lol!

I'm glad other people find red days difficult! I'd have thought after months on Atkins i'd find it easier but apparently not! Hey ho!