Pcos and ttc

Hi, sorry to join but had to say that I have pcos and have joined SW in the hope shifting some weight may help! I am lucky that my husband has joined too. So good to read your stories...gives me a bit of hope! Plan is to lose a couple of stone then go from there....
yeah its super speedy soup

1 tin of mixed bean salad
1tin green lentil
1tin kidney bean in chili sauce
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
1large onion
4 carrots
2 parsnips
mixed peppers
2 ham or pork stock cubes make a pint half
salt and pepper
mixed herbs

chop all the Veg to a similar size put everything in a pan and bring to the boil till cooked and soft leave chunky or blend to taste .

if you blend it sometimes it goes really thick so when you warm it just a bit of water till its the right consistency x

p.s it freezes well i put a freezer bag in to a large mug then fill it to the top of the mug then tie up and freeze it that fills a small bowl some people have it with hb bread or a salad x i like it hope you do too x enjoy x
hay sarah no dr was really vague, he just gave me a 3 month supply and said lets see how you get on, i dont have to go for blood tests or scans or anything, i do ovulate as i have had tests that show all is ok, i have polysystic overies and endometriosis but to me honest i dont really have any side effects apart from heavy periods and being over weight xx
id try it and if nothing happens then go back to the docs and ask for a higher dosage see my gd give me a pill to start my period cos they were iregular and i wasn't ovulating and he gave me clomid and metformin it didn't work the first time and i was on 50 mg i was heart broken but i had to go for a scan on day 12 of my cycle to make sure that the the egg was there and it was a decent size then day 21 was the blood test to make sure that the hormone count was high enough on my first try i had one egg but the size of it was too small and my first 21 day bloods came back at 51% which was crap . so the second try i put the dosage up myself to 100 mg and it worked i had two eggs and my 21 day blood test came back at 71 % and that when i found out i was pregnant lol i started taking clomid on the 7 Jan 2011 and was pregnant by the march it worked pretty fast for us but sometimes it takes a while my friend has the same problems it toke 8yrs and was on clomid for years and she found out she was pregnant the July after me with twins so hold on in and dont give up its well worth the wait iv been with my hobby 12 yr and had been ttc for 8 of them good luck and keep me posted x
awwwww wow thats brilliant, i did conceive naturally in 2010 i didnt know i was pregnant went on holiday drank smoke, went on all the rides in america i thought my missed period was because i had been on holiday and not stopped lol anyway we did a test few weeks later it said 3weeks plus so we were like what the hell how did this happen naturally obviously we were so fricking hapy but then a week later i had a misscarrige and it was the worst time in our lifes but at least we know i can conceive so now i cant wait to get on these tablets to see if we it can happen again, im just not going to get my hopes up tho but im feeling quite positive after reading peoples stories, but i am due on next week so i will keep you updated in the months to come :) thanks for your help xxx
aww bless i was like that not wanting to get my hopes kept saying to myself if it happens it happens lol glad i was a bit of help cant wait for the update good luck x
I also have PCOS and am ttc number 2. I am waiting for a fertility referral, have been on metformin for 8 or 9 years.
I have lost just over 2 stones with slimming world since may, but I need to lost another 3.5 to get my bmi under 25.
am hoping I get it under 30 by the time my referral comes through as I know Clomid works better the closer to a healthy bmi you are.

Good luck everyone!
I have PCOS and an 8 month old DD. We weren't trying and it was a massive shock when I got pregnant as I thought we'd have problems when we did TTC. I'm not banking on it being so easy next time though and i'm hoping to help myself by being a healthier weight when we TTC number 2 next year x