PCOS - now onto IVF


Full Member
Hello all,

Well i've known that i have PCOS for about ten years i've always suffered with lack of a regular cycle and i struggle to lose weight.

Small bit of history i've tried for a baby for about 6 years, i have had 2 miscarriages and a live ectopic pregnancy....so been through the mill a bit ! (all with my ex husband)

So 6 months ago my darling fiance and i decided to try for a baby of our own, had lots of tests....PCOS confirmed again by scan and blood test. I was really worried this would affect my chances of IVF and ideally we were looking to egg share.

So tonight i saw my consultant who confirmed we were eligible to egg share i'm absolutely delighted :D

I've lost loads of weight following the Cambridge diet which has been the only thing that has ever worked for me to lose weight. It has also given me 2 natural periods which hasn't happened in years !! I was always very sceptical about the losing weight and it will help talk from the Dr's but maybe it's true.....

I'm not sure what i'm trying to say but i guess i wanted to give a little hope or motivation to people to never give up on your hopes/dreams......mine haven't come true yet but i'm another step closer !!

Congratulations that is great news! Good luck on your journey x