Peachy Diary 2! The Sequel!

peach pip

Nothing but Fuzz!
Hi Everyone!

Day one of round two Tomorrow!

I was here approx 4 years ago and in total I lost 12.5st.... Just recently though I've gone a bit mad and put on a couple of stone as I quite unfortunately am one of those women who can put on a stone walking past a sign for KFC!

So so not being one to dwell or shirk responsibility I'm back putting my trust in Lipotrim to help me get back to 10st! 9.5st is the ultimate goal!
In short Lipotrim did wonders for me and I'm a whole new person and I don't see coming back as a failing I see it as holding my hands up and nipping a potential issue in the bud! AKA Kicking myself in the ASS!!
Cant wait to chat with some of you on here I met some lovely people last time who were fantastic support I hope I can be for others as well!

Say Hi I'm nice Promise! Haha!

Oh my god Peach, I remember you from before and how amazing you did. What an inspiration :)

Well done on maintaining the bulk of the loss and there is no shame in coming back again, you'll absolutely smash it im sure :)
Wow 12.5 st was amazing! Love the attitude and I think you're just right! so you've about 3 st to lose this time? It'll fly by! This is my second time and I agree it's liberating to take control again!
Thank you so much ladies, Katie I cant believe someone remembered me haha feels like a lifetime ago that's awesome! I can see you are both doing fab yourselves well done! And Joanie you're absolutely right about taking control back it feels fantastic! I only put back on 2.5st which I know is a a lot but coming from being 12.5st over weight at first its definitely not the end of the world and like I say just catching the problem before it spirals out of control.

This time around though I'm much fitter than I was whoop on top of still doing outdoor swimming I now do triathlon training and strength training so I'm hoping that gives me a boost too.... It bloody should it's painful enough during each session haha!

Anyway thanks again for the support ladies I'll be there to support you to, it's so important! Xx
I think it's brilliant you've come back before it spirals out of control, I really do. That tells me you have a different mindset now and that you'll absolutelzy smash getting 12.5st.

My last attempt at this was when you was on, I used to read your diary. Sadly it wasn't my time but it is now. :)
There is definitely a right time when you do this plan Katie because you have to mean it and follow it to the letter which is brutal! But believe me .... Worth every day and every shake! And I've been reading your diary you're doing great! I'm so proud of anyone who goes 100% because to say it's hard wouldn't cover it!

I have a completely different mindset now and won't ever go back to what I was, my only excuse for this gain is a bit of madness since moving down to London with my boyfriend...he spoils me rotten and I have no off switch! Haha!
But still never missed a day at the gym just need to rein in the amount I'm eating and drinking, I'll always need to keep myself in check .... I put weight on so fast it's unbelievable I only have to think the word pizza and I've put on half a stone! Haha!

Feeling great though just waiting for that empty feeling to kick inI love it!
Also do you remember Deezer? After about a year of losing my weight I went for her to tattoo me she is awesome!


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Peach- I remember Deezer!!! love the tat!

2.5 stone in the scheme it so little well done!
Peach- I remember Deezer!!! love the tat! 2.5 stone in the scheme it so little well done!

Haha fantastic
She's fab she used to live a couple of miles away from me and she did an amazing job of my tattoo. She's done so well too she looks fantastic!
Haha fantastic
She's fab she used to live a couple of miles away from me and she did an amazing job of my tattoo. She's done so well too she looks fantastic!

Brilliant- I love that about LT, it does work and can last. I gained during pregnancy and for various reasons yo-yo'd trying to lose the weight but decided I needed the re-program that LT gives your brain and tastebuds!

I can't believe you are a triathlete, that's amazing it takes so much dedication well done you!!
Brilliant- I love that about LT, it does work and can last. I gained during pregnancy and for various reasons yo-yo'd trying to lose the weight but decided I needed the re-program that LT gives your brain and tastebuds! I can't believe you are a triathlete, that's amazing it takes so much dedication well done you!!

It absolutely can last I can't tell you how many people have said to me in the past "Ohhh those diets are dangerous everyone puts it all back on and more!" Well I may have put a bit on but certainly will never put it all back on and more, and I truly believe that's due to reprogramming your habits and tastebuds. That's what I'm doing now, same as you, taking control and pushing the reset button xx
There is definitely a right time when you do this plan Katie because you have to mean it and follow it to the letter which is brutal! But believe me .... Worth every day and every shake! And I've been reading your diary you're doing great! I'm so proud of anyone who goes 100% because to say it's hard wouldn't cover it!

I have a completely different mindset now and won't ever go back to what I was, my only excuse for this gain is a bit of madness since moving down to London with my boyfriend...he spoils me rotten and I have no off switch! Haha!
But still never missed a day at the gym just need to rein in the amount I'm eating and drinking, I'll always need to keep myself in check .... I put weight on so fast it's unbelievable I only have to think the word pizza and I've put on half a stone! Haha!

Feeling great though just waiting for that empty feeling to kick inI love it!
Also do you remember Deezer? After about a year of losing my weight I went for her to tattoo me she is awesome!

yeah and I believe this is my time. I've never a had my life sorted like this and my head in the game, my last attempt I just painted over the cracks in my life and told myself I was ready .. Which ultimately lead to failure. It is hard but I feel more determined than ever. This site is a massive help, and knowing someone who lost 12stone is a massive help and makes me see it is possible, as ive 12 stone to lose in total .. Well 9 now lol.

i know what you mean about putting weight on easily, that's me, I look at something and I put weight on, sadly always have. But I admire you for knowing after a small gain that enough is enough and you're going to get back to goal weight. It's great your mindset is so focused. And really glad to hear you'll never go back to the old you.

Yeah i remember dezzer, has she maintained then?
yeah and I believe this is my time. I've never a had my life sorted like this and my head in the game, my last attempt I just painted over the cracks in my life and told myself I was ready .. Which ultimately lead to failure. It is hard but I feel more determined than ever. This site is a massive help, and knowing someone who lost 12stone is a massive help and makes me see it is possible, as ive 12 stone to lose in total .. Well 9 now lol. i know what you mean about putting weight on easily, that's me, I look at something and I put weight on, sadly always have. But I admire you for knowing after a small gain that enough is enough and you're going to get back to goal weight. It's great your mindset is so focused. And really glad to hear you'll never go back to the old you. Yeah i remember dezzer, has she maintained then?

Yeah she has she looks fantastic and is so fit now she does crossfit!

Doesn't it suck when that's just how your body works! I'll always have to monitor what I eat and watch my weight it's just the way I am , doesn't help that I don't have that 'off' switch where I know when I've had enough! I have to stop and tell myself I have! Lol! Bloody hard work! If you're anything like me I feel your pain!

You sound like you're really on it this time Katie which is great and when you've got into that mindset you're onto a winner!
Yeah she has she looks fantastic and is so fit now she does crossfit!

Doesn't it suck when that's just how your body works! I'll always have to monitor what I eat and watch my weight it's just the way I am , doesn't help that I don't have that 'off' switch where I know when I've had enough! I have to stop and tell myself I have! Lol! Bloody hard work! If you're anything like me I feel your pain!

You sound like you're really on it this time Katie which is great and when you've got into that mindset you're onto a winner!

Its ts even worse for me as my sister got the 'eat anything and never out any weight on' gene. Well jealous. Even during pregnancy she just had this tidy little bump and was back in her size 10's in 2/3 weeks.

I have an an off switch as such, I didn't really eat loads, just all the wrong stuff .. So it was will power with me, or lack of it, or is that the off switch you refer to?

great at that dezzer has maintained and is so fit .. Your tattoo is awesome too :)
Its ts even worse for me as my sister got the 'eat anything and never out any weight on' gene. Well jealous. Even during pregnancy she just had this tidy little bump and was back in her size 10's in 2/3 weeks. I have an an off switch as such, I didn't really eat loads, just all the wrong stuff .. So it was will power with me, or lack of it, or is that the off switch you refer to? great at that dezzer has maintained and is so fit .. Your tattoo is awesome too :)

Oh there's many variations on the olde 'off' switch for some it's portion size for others what they eat ... I wasn't great with either haha! Not great! And I have one of those sisters 9 months pregnant and still in size 12 jeans! Haha cow!
Ohhh id forgotten the delights of the chicken soup bites! Haha :)


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Oh what are they? I'm not sure if they look nice or not lol can't make my mind up. Do they taste nice?

They are like biscuits made from the packets of chicken soup.... If you want to chew something they do the trick nicely but they taste like the soup... You can do the same with the vanilla, choc etc and if you try really really hard they taste like pop tarts! (You have to reeeeeally think it though haha!)

Make a paste with the powder (shot glass full of boiling water)
Spoon it onto grease proof paper
Microwave 30 sec (let it cool for 10sec)
Repeat until they are solid but soft
Let them cool if you want

I suggest sweetness in the shakes and pepper in the soup :)
I have an extra sachet left over from the other week when I could only get two of my shakes down me so I'll try these tomorrow evening, I'll imagine they are more than a pop tart lol

i went to my nannas after work today and she had made home made hot cross buns .. The smell was out of this world. And my nan being a nan was saying to just have one. I said no and oh it felt good when I was on my way home.
Oh I'm here to subscribe to your diary... You sound so upbeat :) how long do u think it will take you again to lose 2.5 stones ? X
I have an extra sachet left over from the other week when I could only get two of my shakes down me so I'll try these tomorrow evening, I'll imagine they are more than a pop tart lol i went to my nannas after work today and she had made home made hot cross buns .. The smell was out of this world. And my nan being a nan was saying to just have one. I said no and oh it felt good when I was on my way home.

Aww well done! Haha that's nans for you! Bless em! Mine wasn't one for baking but let me tell you you didn't go hungry!
How great has that weigh in been for your will power now! Boom take that hot cross bun! Haha!

Give it a go with the wannabe poptarts I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass and say they are the best thing since Johnny Depp but they aren't bad... and for those days where you just want to chew something and not feel as though you're trying to drown yourself in liquid they are great!