
iknow when i started i could not stop all day got fed up of going :D
Yeah me too! I pee for England at the best of times, but since being on LT I feel as if I should just move into the bathroom rather than keep backward & forward! Mind you, I'm thinking it's extra exercise?! ;)
Me too, and in the first week it was every couple of hours through the night too, but I'm gad to say that has stopped now (although I still have to go more than I used to during the day).
I can't believe you're counting!! ....:p:D
I don't have such problems, only need to go a few times a day but when I need to go I really need to go (and I have 5-6 litres of water per day). You guys should Google for a roadbag or ladybag :D
(and I have 5-6 litres of water per day)
Just thought I'd mention that LT recommend you don't go over 4.5 litres (maximum) water a day?
Just thought I'd mention that LT recommend you don't go over 4.5 litres (maximum) water a day?

I know but almost all my life I've often felt thirsty really often and LT has made it worse. If I don't drink water I find myself unable to concentrate on work and stuff :confused:
I don't mean to alarm you- but that could be a sign of diabetes (high blood sugar)? Have you had a general check-up lately? Hormonal imbalances and certain medication can also cause this?
Of course it could be something simple like working in an 'artificial' environment, or if you're a person who eats a lot of 'heavy', spicy foods?