peperami on induction


Gold Member
are these ok? the carbs are low but i'm not sure if something so processed is allowed on induction?

abz xx
Technically Atkins said to eat unprocessed meats during induction, but only because he had a thing about salt abz, I ate all sorts of salami's during induction and I still do. Have you read the sausage thread?
i did have a peek at the sausage thread jim, but all the ones i've seen so far have been a bit carbtastic. but peperamis i love :D nom nom nom.

might have to have one now :D i don't salt any of my food and i drink plenty of water. so hopefully i'll be ok :)
The Sos thread is all about low carb sos abz. :)
yeah. i'm avoiding for as long as possible, so that when i start to feel deprived (and however creative you are, you will at some point) i have things to look forward to. and sossies is one of them :D
ah, oooops :bolt: ;)
I haven't tried them but a load of people on here really rate them abz. I'll let Laura explain.
you know what?? that sounds like far too much effort for the likes of me!! ha. i'll stick to having my sossies naked for now... and that sounds more rude than i intended :D ...
Tut Tut lowering the tone already abz. ;)