Pick me up or kick up the backside


Full Member
Hi All

Well after doing SW for 2 weeks and doing ok i fell off the wagon and cant get back on it. I had a lot on Uni dissertation and stress at home with OH...all excuses

I have 2 months before i go to Portugal for work and i dont want to be the 16st lump at the event. I want to get back on to SW but need a push or kick from somewhere as i have lost all motivation

he goes my best butt kicking speech!

The only person that can get you back on that wagon is you. Focus on why you want to lose weight, you mention your holiday... is there other things too? One of the main reasons I started was the fact that the weight I was carrying was impacting on my life. Not just being able to buy clothes, but I was also feeling left out as friends could do things I couldn't because I was too big or just too unfit.

Most people (with possibly the exception of very few) will wobble a bit when it comes to weight loss - I admit I have. But there is only one simple answer - sort it out yourself!! Maybe list of your food/meal plans for this week? Go and get your shopping and buy only the things on your list. Plan some exercise - you live near Tamworth... book yourself a snowboard lesson at the snowdome. (well ok... it doesn't have to be quite that mad, but thats the sort of thing I do!!!)

Having lost 4 stone myself I cant begin to explain how much better I feel now. I still have 2 more stone to go but life is soooo much easier now. I know the stress of a dissertation, but concentrating on planning how you are going to get those losses may actually take your mind away from some of those stresses.

Now.... go Girl and Sort it out!!! x

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