Pixies Diary...

Good morning Kirsty,
Welcome back hun,hope you had a good time,try and get back on track this week as you have done so well before you went x
Afternoon all! .. xx ..... well i slept like a baby last night! being in my own bed was fantastic! Altho i now have a really sore throat and ear ache! ... how great is that LOL will i ever feel normal again! lol ....
diet wise well have started ok this morning my scales are sorta showing a gain but not a big one! .. so im hoping im gonna be clawing it back on tuesday!
menu for today

2 crumpets 2
2 bread 2.5
mayo .5
ham 1.5

Jacket 2.5
ww tuna 1

crisps x2 = 2.5
12.5 in total so will probably have a lil bit of cheese on my jacket for tea to add a few more on lol
Morning all! .. Im sorta back with it although im finding it really hard to get my brain into gear to think of nice meals to eat ... any ideas? .... Todays menu

b= weetabix 3
l= ww meal 5 (ish)
D= not sure working at 6 till 9.30 so im thinking cereal 2.5 + crumpets 3

13.5 ... not great aye! .. Ive done shopping today and to be honest not a clue what to order i fancy some different things Ive heard people mention Houmus so wouldnt mind trying that i suppose lol OH well im off to post a new thread on meas lol xx hehehe
Siobhan Im on 21 a day .. so 13.5 isnt wonderful ive had 12 so far today .. sorta gone off the rails a little so i now have 9 left for supper ... may have cereal and a toast or somthing like that which will be 5.5 .. so not to bad i dont think lol

Paula im feeling much better .. bit of a sniffy nose but other than that im fine now :) still on the antibiotics but almost finished the course :)
Aw Paula mate, you're falling apart these days but it's always the way, you get one thing and then your immune system lets you get everything going!!! Chin up though, you'll be better soon! x
Hope your weekend was a good 'un chick, glad you're feeling better X
aw, hope your feeling better soon hun xx
Hiya :) .. well i feel loads better today although im getting a little worried about what my scales are showing me ! :( ... Not to pleasing to the eye i must say!
Im trying to eat properly im not going over my points but have to admit im not eating the right sorta thing i dont think! ... lots of crisps biccies and bread! even tho within my points im kinda think it maybe hindering me losing ! .. what do you think ??
Im working again tonight so my tea will again be cereal! .. wonderful aye! anyhoo im gonna try and find somthing else to do rather than what im doing now .. Im not to happy with the way everything is run to be honest ..

anyway thats enough of me moaning lol xxxx
Morning girls! .... Well! its SUNNY!!!!!!!!!! i thought wed stepped back into november or somthing but nope its definatly May! ...... Not alot planned im off to the market for an hour this morning to get some fresh fruit and my OH a crib bag as hes started a new job so wont be home for lunch anymore . :( .....
and thats about it! if it stays nice i may suggest a walk to the pub later on for a drink (non alcoholic for me of course) .... thats about it .. tomorow well ill have to see what the weather does! but am working tomorow evening,
Food wise! :( i think ive lost it! im unsure what to do about it! .. I know if ive gained this week to im gonna be gutted and so upset ill find it hard to get back on rather than think sod it ive ruined it all so ill just carry on ruining it ! .... I hope they show a sts i can cope with that!
im off now but will pop and catch up again later on xx
:( ...awww i came to update and im on page 2 and noone loves me :(

~sighs~ ....... Diet well LOL .. um if you can call a indian takeaway last night a diet then umm yeah im sticking to it LOL ... seriously im being so bad! ... i start the day good then i get fed up and bang in goes the food! .. working late in the evenings doesnt help! i get tired dont wanna cook so end up with a takeaway or cereal!
Im rethinking my job/hour choice so watch this space! Im dreading w.i tomorow night my friend who i go with is doing so so well! she has lost almost the same as me in about 4 weeks less time :( so i just know she will have been a saint ! ..........
I feel like a fraud as ive got my 10% keyring and since that ive been fannying around and now feel like i dont deserve it!

Im my own worse enemy! ... Im trying not to eat a lot today to try and at least compensate for my indian but with w.i tomorow night i know its very unlikely to make any difference what so ever to the damage ive already done! ...

sorry for being miserable but this is the only place i can tell my true feelings about things as noone else seems to understand ~hugs~

Hope your all doing ok xxxxx
Aw poor Pix! My mate lost 9lbs in one week and I've only lost 1.5 so far with my wi tomorrow so I know how you feel on that score...it's not easy staying motivated when things in your life are trying to get in the way! Chin up though hun, sure we're all in the same boat here...better days ahead Kirsty xxx