Plan :Low carb for life and target the belly fat


Silver Member
Im starting to think about what kind of diet I want to be on once Ive reached goal that will keep me healthy in the long term

During my research/wasting time googling stuff , I wanted to find out about whether or not I could specifically design a diet that is low carb but also targets belly fat and it seems it might be possible

Ive always had a large waist and small hips , typical apple shape , which I know means I am at higher risk of heart attack , strokes and certain cancers

My Dad had a heart attack last year and so this has made me think about my own health

My waist is currently 39 inches and I want to get it down to a safe level of around 32/33, apparently waist size is a better indicator of long term health and life expectancy than BMI

Anyway , Ive found this , amongst other articles and will be looking into it further but for now thought this was an interesting starting point

Foods That Cause Belly Fat: Eat These at Your Own Peril