Total Solution Plateau?

*jenjen* said:
Poas - peed on a stick (ketostix to check to see if you are in keyosis)

Thank you!
Chunky Madwife said:
Last night I blew it - I had 3 glasses of wine (PTA type gathering in pub). Was very ahem, lightheaded. I know. I know.

Followed by two mini cream eggs and some crisps. So angry with myself. However, 2lb down this morning so maybe i needed a wee breakout.

Onwards and downwards, and back to behaving myself.

I think you are amazing doing this and working nights. Award yourself a "well done". I am very impressed.
Chunky Madwife said:
Last night I blew it - I had 3 glasses of wine (PTA type gathering in pub). Was very ahem, lightheaded. I know. I know.

Followed by two mini cream eggs and some crisps. So angry with myself. However, 2lb down this morning so maybe i needed a wee breakout.

Onwards and downwards, and back to behaving myself.

Have you seen this site? It's very good at explaining why ketones are not the be all and end all, in fact can successfully put you off.